Consolidating SCADA with operational intelligence monitoring platforms: improving visibility and efficiency in industrial processes

In previous blogs we advanced how the IIoT has revolutionized the industrial paradigm. As IIoT transforms business operations, effective monitoring of industrial processes becomes a crucial task. This is where OI platforms come into play, which allow you to monitor and manage operational processes. All of these capabilities enable live visualization of the health of systems, applications and network infrastructure. Among all these tools, control and data acquisition systems or SCADA stand out.

Widely used in industrial environments, these SCADA systems supervise and control processes through real-time monitoring of sensors and devices. As companies grow, their operations become complex, employing multiple SCADA systems in different locations. To solve this problem, we seek to integrate these systems into a single platform. This alternative provides a holistic view of operations, identifying and solving problems through the correlation of live data.

Key benefits of consolidating SCADAs

  1. Improved Visibility: gives a complete operational perspective, allowing you to monitor and manage your systems more effectively.
  2. Greater efficiency: the workload of IT staff is reduced, allowing them to focus on more critical tasks
  3. Greater security: provides a single access point for all systems, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  4. Cost savings: eliminating the need for multiple systems and reducing maintenance and support costs.
  5. Optimizing decision making: real-time data and metrics provide up-to-date information to make better decisions


Throughout we have seen that opting for this integration is an opportunity when it comes to enhancing different facets related to operations.Consolidating SCADA into an operational intelligence platform is essential for industrial companies. Integrating these systems into a single platform improves visibility, efficiency and security, as well as reducing costs. As a result, with an OI platform, organizations gain tools to optimize operations, decrease downtime, and increase profitability.

You want to know more? Explore the benefits of our software and discover how to maximize the potential of your company!

The importance of the transition to green hydrogen and why it must go digital

Innovation and the integration of new technologies drive digital transformation in companies in the energy sector. Facing the challenge of adapting to progress, they seek to transform their energy sources into clean and renewable ones. In the fight against global warming, we prioritize the reduction of CO2 emissions through the use of an environmentally friendly fuel: green hydrogen. This relevant energy vector will replace fossil fuels, avoiding the emission of greenhouse gases in its production.

Green hydrogen, obtained without polluting emissions, is key to decarbonization. For this reason, industrializing its production is a priority for public institutions and private entities. Although gray hydrogen is cheaper, the drop in prices of renewable energy and current development policies generate opportunities. All of this, added to the exponential increase in climate projects, has positioned the search for clean energy alternatives as a prominent issue. In recent years, there has been real enthusiasm for various climate projects.

Although they have been neglected for a long time, they are now high on the agenda of our interlocutors. Reconversion processes take time and require investments, but a true paradigm shift is taking place. Currently, with all the actors trying to energize the market, we are beginning to have real production centers to begin this energy transition.

The role of digitalization in the energy transition

Due to the data and the optimization of the algorithms, it is possible to work on energy consumption at all scales, including industrial scales. The key is to use the technologies available on the market; Reducing emissions must be done today. Digitization, simulation and artificial intelligence (AI) are the elements that will allow us to use operational data – from the equipment, environmental variables and manufacturing processes – from the first facilities to be launched to improve the performance of the equipment. and reduce manufacturing times and costs.

Development times and their optimization will be key to the success or failure of the process. An example of this is the evolution of electrolyzers, essential elements in the green hydrogen generation process. Ultimately, technological development will be crucial to convert green hydrogen into an economically viable alternative. Therefore, the production of this energy comes at the perfect time to become an intelligent and digitalized industry, which allows achieving the objectives of management, sustainability and cost reduction in the generation of clean energy. Turning green hydrogen into a viable alternative is currently a fact.

IDboxRT as a catalyst for energy change

At IDboxRT we want to promote this change in favor of the environment through the development and application of high technology in green energy generation plants. To do this, we offer a powerful real-time data analysis and control tool. In this way, the monitoring and supervision of these clean energy facilities is facilitated. As a result, IDboxRT can provide you with multiple benefits in your operations, positively impacting the planet. In short, our software is key to facilitating this energy transition, maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of your network.

Discovering your company’s full potential is just a click away!

Discover 3 reasons to control your energy production with IDboxRT

Energy monitoring systems allow users to have a global view of the performance of their energy installations: monitoring performance, voltage level, temperature, energy production or even failures. However, many organizations do not realize the potential of integrating a monitoring system into their energy facilities. The financial, operational and environmental reputation benefits associated with monitoring systems are lost.

Therefore, we are going to detail the reasons that may motivate you to opt for monitoring and visualization software. In general, implementing tools that facilitate data recording is essential to maximize the operation of energy infrastructures.

Why integrate monitoring systems in solar installations?

Reason 1: Greater knowledge and control

Before collecting data and monitoring on-site, companies often do not know the overall performance of their facilities. Usually, a decrease in equipment efficiency goes unnoticed, since continuous monitoring is not carried out.

A monitoring system provides transparency to solar installations. The data collected is converted into advanced KPIs and displayed in dynamic dashboards that benefit multiple stakeholders. It facilitates reporting and can lead to corrective actions to maximize energy production.

Reason 2: Improved profitability

When analyzed, the data emitted by monitoring systems provides an exact reflection of energy production and global infrastructure. From this information, it is possible to quantify the savings potential and have a snapshot of the facility’s financial situation.

-Reduction of operating cost
Prioritizing the use of renewable sources and maximizing solar penetration reduces the purchase of energy from the grid or fossil fuels. This act translates, therefore, into a general decrease in cost. Relevant KPIs, such as performance ratio, also make it possible to compare actual and ideal energy production. For a diesel solar installation, multi-energy site monitoring will help you track the use of a diesel generator to stay ahead of system maintenance.

-Calculation of the installation’s return on investment
Having this information can benefit owners in the field of investment evaluation. Due to this data, it becomes possible to qualify profitability of investments in solar installations. One way to estimate this ROI is by accounting for the carbon emissions avoided and the operational savings generated.

Reason 3: Easier maintenance, higher reliability

A solution like IDboxRT shows the site diagnosis through the detection of equipment failures. In addition, this solution has capabilities such as configuring custom alarms. These will notify the operator of any abnormal deviation in production which will reduce resolution time. Additionally, this software can display the material alarm that is displayed locally on a unified dashboard.


As we have explored, IDboxRT presents itself as the ideal solution to ensure the optimization of your systems through real-time monitoring of various parameters. The implementation of IDboxRT becomes a fundamental asset to enhance the overall performance of your installation. Our advanced energy monitoring software is just a click away, ready to optimize your operations!

3 Energy Saving Tips For Manufacturers

Industrial activity is responsible for almost a quarter of global emissions, which is why companies must manage their role in the environmental environment. To support this commitment, organizations must know the alternatives that allow sustainability and effectiveness to cohere in their operations. For this reason, energy saving are positioned as a key factor to control, due to the volatility in energy prices. To optimize this cost and achieve a balance between sustainability and effectiveness, our experts present the following tips:

1. Digitize energy consumption

One of the first things that can be done to save energy is to digitize consumption. The energy industry is relatively behind in digitalization compared to other sectors, such as banking or medicine. This is because for a long time energy was cheap, the energy transition was not a priority and the available technology was not considered sufficiently advanced. Today we know that, in fact, it is an important investment.

By installing the right sensors and control displays to collect the right information, it is possible to digitalize energy and then perform more complex analyzes and optimizations thanks to digital tools. This will help you improve your energy assessment and identify new savings opportunities. For example, by forecasting consumption and creating energy models of processes, it is easier to create an informed energy saving strategy.

2. View data to control consumption

If you want to reduce your energy consumption, you have to know how much you consume. Only then can you focus on areas of improvement and come up with an effective strategy. The 3 success factors when implementing a decarbonization strategy are: measurement, alignment and execution.

It is important to monitor your processes and visualize your data clearly, since it must be accessible to the different users of a company (from executives at the corporate level to on-site energy managers). For example, digital dashboards can be used that show energy consumption using visual elements such as diagrams or graphs of different types. This is where the digitalization of energy consumption comes in handy.

By using automation tools for data collection and visualization, you reduce human error and can also invest time in ROI and future projects. They can also help you visualize data such as energy losses that would otherwise be difficult to detect. Many leaks are invisible and almost impossible to detect without technology.

3. Identify energy losses

Once we have visualized our energy data, we will be able to identify our losses. Implementing digital tools can help you detect energy losses almost immediately. For example, using historical data and data science, IDboxRT can create a baseline of your consumption. Since IDboxRT also collects energy data in real time, you can be alerted about any deviations immediately. This will allow you to detect leaks as early as possible and act accordingly to reduce energy waste.


IDboxRT aims to harness the power of data-driven decision making with data analytics. Get in touch with our experts and start optimizing your energy consumption today.

Top business technology trends in 2023

A confluence of factors-including high inflation, economic headwinds and stakeholder demands-have presented organizations with a number of challenges in 2022. As you prepare for the new year, explore some of our top trends for achieving growth:

Which business professionals will help address the 2023 technology trends?

We expect these developments to influence business strategies in the coming years by enabling organizations to address four key priorities:

Optimize resiliency, operations or trust.
Increase productivity and customer value by advancing solutions, product delivery and connectivity
Pioneering customer engagement, accelerated responses or opportunity
– Pursue sustainable technology solutions

Theme 1: Optimize
These trends optimize IT systems to achieve greater reliability, improve data-driven decision making, and maintain the value and integrity of AI systems in production.

  • Digital Immune System: creates an improved customer experience by combining multiple software engineering strategies to protect against risk. Through observability, automation, and extreme testing, it provides resilient systems that mitigate operational and security risks.ks.
  • Applied observability: works from data issued by an organization, using AI to analyze and make recommendations. In this way, final decision making is more agile and precise. When applied systematically, it can reduce response latency and optimize business operations in real time.

Theme 2: Scale
These technology trends accelerate vertical offerings, increase the pace of product delivery, and enable connectivity.

  • Specific cloud platforms for each sector with tailored and specific functionalities for each sector. This way, organizations can adapt more effectively to the relentless flow of disruptions in their industry.
  • Platform engineering provides a set of tools, capabilities, and processes packaged for easy consumption by developers and end users. It will increase end-user productivity and reduce the burden on development teams.

Theme 3: Pioneering
Focus efforts on enabling business model change, reinventing employee and customer engagement, thus accelerating strategies.

Adaptive AI allows the behavior of models to change after deployment through the use of real-time information. In this way, models and learning are continually retrained within the execution and development environments. All based on new data and adjusted objectives, to quickly adapt to changing real-world circumstances.

Theme 4: Sustainable technology
Delivering technology alone will not be enough in 2023.

Sustainable technology is a framework of solutions that increases the energy and efficiency of IT services. In this sense, it enables business sustainability through the application of technologies such as traceability, emissions management software and AI. It also serves as a catalyst, promoting the achievement of clients’ own sustainability goals. The usefulness of these tools has boosted investments in them, such as asset monitoring, which contributes to greater operational resilience and financial performance.

Bottom line:

  • Knowing the trends that stand out in the market allows you to align your technological innovation with your future strategic business objectives.
  • Investments in sustainable technology bring operational and financial benefits, and can create interesting growth opportunities.
  • The best alternative to cover the operational needs of your business is to contact the best professionals in the sector. Contact us if you want our team of operational intelligence specialists to help you discover your potential!

The real benefits of monitoring resource use

How could data and sensing technologies, along with monitoring, improve business and environmental outcomes?

Ten years ago, many business executives realized that environmental problems were real business problems. But above all, they protected themselves from negative risks to their reputation. Currently, companies realize that they have to protect themselves from negative impacts and obtain benefits by serving a market with greater interest in respectful products. And costs can be reduced significantly if companies operate more efficiently. In this blog we will detail the usefulness of controlling and measuring the resources used in industrial operations through monitoring programs such as IDboxRT.

The big data and sensor revolution will be very important for a more efficient use of resources. This is because this tool makes it easier for companies to know what is happening with their inputs. Thus, any type of company can optimize its efficiency, regardless of corporate size and the type of resource to control.

For example, the amount of fertilizer that is wasted with rainwater on farms can be measured. Therefore, it will allow us to optimize yields – which is important for farmers and consumers – as well as the use of fertilizers, which will help us minimize the dead zone.

Meanwhile, the World Resources Institute has launched a website that tracks deforestation with millions of data points received every minute via satellite. This will go a long way to ensuring our forests do not go to waste. Another factor to take into account is the role of society. In the long term, they may be direct actors in reducing pollution when this technology evolves. Using surveillance and detection technology, they will be able to control pollution in real time, allowing these levels to be reduced.


Ultimately, what gets measured gets managed. In other words, more precise monitoring could be useful to solve problems, such as that of natural gas. Currently, this gas leaks into the atmosphere in the system. Added to this is that the industry does not have measurements to calculate how much methane escapes. In this sense, the amount of one of the most powerful greenhouse gases such as methane could be reduced.

If we require companies to have leak detection and repair programs, we can keep gas in the pipes. As a consequence, it can be used more efficiently and stop a major source of global warming. In summary, it is key to learn how to extract this resource while damaging the atmosphere and society in general as little as possible. A first step to this is to register and monitor company resources in a personalized way.

Contact us to find out how IDboxRT can help you with monitoring your resources!

Technology trends outlook

Which technology trends are the most important for companies during the past year? A new analysis highlights the development, potential uses and industrial effects of advanced technologies.

Technology remains the world’s leading catalyst for change. Technological advances give businesses, governments and social sector institutions more opportunities to increase their productivity, invent and reinvent offerings, and contribute to the well-being of humanity. And while it remains difficult to predict how technology trends will develop, executives can better plan for the future by tracking the development of new technologies, anticipating how companies might use them, and understanding the factors that affect innovation and adoption.

Here are some of the most important technology trends, in our view, so you can better understand them and consider how they relate to your organization.

Applied AI

Models trained on machine learning can be used to solve classification, prediction and control problems to automate activities, add or augment capabilities and offerings, and make better decisions.

Clean energy

Clean energy solutions help achieve net greenhouse gas emissions across the entire energy value chain, from power generation to storage and distribution.

Sustainable consumption

Sustainable consumption involves transforming industrial and individual consumption through technologies such as monitoring to address environmental risks, including climate change.

Industrialized machine learning

Industrialized machine learning uses software and hardware solutions to accelerate ML development and deployment and to support performance monitoring, stability and continuous improvement.

Cloud and edge computing

Cloud and edge computing involves distributing compute workloads across remote data centers and local nodes to improve data sovereignty, autonomy, resource productivity, latency and security.

Next-generation software development

Next-generation tools aid software application development, improving processes and software quality; tools include AI-enabled development and testing.

Source: McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook 2022


Advantages of Industrial Equipment Monitoring

Currently, it is essential that the industrial sector can create new revenue streams and expand new services by using IoT to monitor their industrial equipment. Information can lead to better parts and products, and provide an advantage over competing offerings, and here’s why: When purchasing a product, manufacturers often have limited data about how the equipment will perform in its intended environment, although This data is immensely valuable.

By retrofitting or manufacturing equipment with connected sensors, machine health can be monitored in the field to provide low-cost, condition-based maintenance solutions, and/or collect data points for future product improvements. New revenue streams can be created using data from IoT applications, offering a proactive approach to maintenance and monitoring of industrial equipment.

Three main advantages of industrial equipment monitoring:

1. Offer More: Proactive Maintenance Solutions

IDboxRT is a powerful monitoring platform to integrate, process and analyze available machine data. In this way, it transforms that raw data into valuable and visual information. Technicians can respond to inconsistencies in specific components instead of spending time diagnosing a problem. Cloud monitoring can help reduce maintenance expenses and overall operating costs. Additionally, it can help reduce the frequency of service calls, ultimately prolonging the life of your machines.

2. See more: Real-time data from your machines

Take advantage of real-time information from new or existing machinery. Gain a competitive advantage by monitoring conditions and tracking production from anywhere. Users can view data in dashboards, comparison charts, maps, reports, and more with IDboxRT.

3. Learn more: Product development and innovation

Make future decisions and product improvements with real data on the ground. Every year, product managers in various industries fund research studies to learn how products work in different environments, how customers prefer to use the products, how to improve.

Do you want to get more information? Contact us and our specialists will answer all your questions!

Environmental Protection through Energy Monitoring – Small Steps to Big Achievements

Energy monitoring promotes environmental literacy.

Protecting the environment begins with the realization that our natural resources on Earth are limited. Due to economic and population growth, as well as climate change, resource consumption is constantly increasing. And this is always associated with pollution of our environment. The consequences are the release of pollutants into the water, soil and air, which cause permanent damage to the ecosystem. It is a fact that the current use of our natural resources far exceeds the Earth’s ability to regenerate. The only way to use our resources in the long term is to use them carefully. Only then will future generations be able to benefit from the wealth of our Earth.

What is Energy Monitoring?

Energy monitoring means continuous integration, processing, analysis and visualization of energy requirements. Thus, energy monitoring is the key foundation of an energy management system. By measuring the current of individual consumers, evaluating and comparing the measured data, a detailed analysis of energy consumption and generation can be carried out. Based on this data, the individual and effective savings potential, both in watts and euros, can be determined. Thus, energy monitoring not only helps to reduce energy consumption and costs, but is also an effective measure in relation to the environment to save resources.

Identifying potential savings with energy monitoring.

The protection of the environment begins with identifying the potential for optimization. With the intelligence monitoring platform IDboxRT we monitor in particular the energy consumption of companies as well as the generation of the renewable energy. With our powerful analytics system, we create a universally accessible and user-friendly platform for people who want to actively promote and support environmental protection measures.

Environmental protection begins with everyone.

Small changes in personal energy behavior are often sufficient to significantly reduce energy consumption. The more people participate, the greater the effect of saving energy. Become part of our IDboxRT community and actively contribute to environmental protection!

On September 6, 7 and 8 we will be exhibiting at THE GREEN EXPO® MEXICO with Grupo Tresner. Join us and learn about our broad experience, innovative products and services for digitalizing Renewable Energy with our Technology. See you in Mexico!