
Welcome to IDboxRT documentation
We are here to assist you


Thank you for choosing IDboxRT, your gateway to excellence in operational intelligence! This documentation is crafted to accompany you on a fascinating journey toward harnessing the full potential of our platform.

What is IDboxRT

IDboxRT is more than just a platform for operational intelligence; it is your strategic ally in transforming data into meaningful actions. With an innovative and advanced approach, IDboxRT provides a comprehensive solution for the real-time collection, analysis, and effective application of operational data.

What to expect?

This documentation serves as your complete guide to maximizing the benefits of IDboxRT. From initial installation to advanced implementation, we will provide you with detailed instructions, practical examples, and best practices to ensure a seamless experience.

Highlights of IDboxRT

  • Real-Time Analysis: Discover the ability to obtain crucial information at the right moment.

  • Intuitive Interface: Our elegant and user-friendly interface simplifies the management of complex data.

  • Scalability: Adapt IDboxRT to your changing needs as your operation evolves.

  • Seamless Integration: Connect IDboxRT with your existing systems quickly and without complications.

  • Enterprise-Level Security: We guarantee the protection of your data, prioritizing security in every aspect of our platform.


IDboxRT is a flexible platform that can be deployed in house, integrated and SaaS. This section shows the basic architecture of IDboxRT and the redundant architecture, as well as the details of the basic architecture and an explanation of each of the pieces that make up IDboxRT.

1. Basic Architecture

The basic architecture of IDboxRT consists of several modules: connectors, acquisition, Tessa and clients. The connectors are responsible for obtaining the data from the sources and sending it to the acquisition module, where it is processed and persisted in the database to be analyzed in the clients. Tessa is the module that allows you to manage the project inventory and the rest of the modules are integrated with it natively.

2. Redundancy Architecture

IDboxRT is designed for deployment in kubernetes, therefore it delegates redundancy and/or high availability to kubernetes. Each of the components is replicated as many times as necessary independently. We use tools that are natively prepared to be redundant (Kafka, storm, redis, etc.) Our IDboxRT components are also 'prepared' to work redundantly.

3. Architecture - Detail

This section shows a more detailed diagram of all the pieces that make up the IDboxRT architecture.

3.1 Data Integration

IDboxRT Connectors or Drivers.

  • Modules communicating with the data source in it’s native protocol.

  • Unifies the message under a common structure regardless of the data source.

  • The data is streamed to the message queue in real time.

Apache Kafka.

  • Kafka receives the stream provided by several connectors in real time.

  • Channels and controls the data flow from the drivers to the processing modules on the other end.

  • Tried and tested open source project.


  • In charge of controlling the configuration for both the drivers and Kafka.

  • Enables and manages redundancy and clustering.

3.2 Data Management & Processing

Apache Storm.

  • Works with a topology of tasks or operations connected to each other.

  • This topology can be created and modified on demand to achieve different outputs depending on our requirements.

  • Tried and tested open source project.

IDboxRT Tasks.

  • Modules developed by IDboxRT in charge of pre-processing the collected data (filtering, unit conversions, data quality stamping, etc).

  • Wide catalog of already developed tasks for standard operations, but extensible with bespoke logics.


  • In charge of controlling the configuration for the whole Storm environment.

  • Enables and manages redundancy and clustering.

  • Tried and tested open source projecT.

3.3 Visualization & Analytics


  • Acts as the single access point to the APIs in the system (Tessa API and Acquisition API).

IDboxRT Web App.

  • Web application for the users to make use of the data managed by the system, including designer and viewer for real-time dashboards, reports, calculations, maps, charts…

  • Native applications for iOS and Android also available to access the system’s information from mobile devices.


  • Access management solution included by default.

  • Enables synchronization with the customer’s LDAP or Active Directory.

  • Tried and tested open source project.

3.4. IDboxRT’s Tessa

Tessa API.

  • Interface that provides information about the asset hierarchy managed by the system.

  • Designed to act as a standalone solution (without IDboxRT). It may act as an asset database for use cases where no real time data is needed.


  • Technology adopted by Tessa to store the assets and their hierarchy. Neo4j is a graph database, so it is specifically designed to store nodes and their relationships instead of using tables.

  • Flexible in terms of asset modelling with no need of database customization at all.

  • Improved performance compared to other database paradigms when dealing with this kind of data.

  • Tried and tested project.

3.5. Storage


  • In-memory database used to maintain the latest samples received from each one of the Signals in the system.

  • The acquisition API will query this broker any time the user needs real time data.

  • Tried and tested open source project.

Timescale DB.

  • Time-series database recommended as a standard for IDboxRT due to its performance, time-series specific features, compression rate and user-friendlyness.

  • Given that Timescale DB is built on top of PostrgreSQL, it also acts as the configuration database for IDboxRT.

  • Other database engines can be used with IDboxRT, but certain features provided by Timescale DB may not be supported.

  • Tried and tested open source project.


IDboxRT is a product whose objective is to acquire, monitor and analyze time series. For this purpose, it relies on an acquisition system based on open source components and specific components developed by CIC.

One of the specific components used by IDboxRT is Tessa, which allows modeling the client's asset inventory using a graph database, thus ensuring query performance in systems with a large number of assets.

In this way, the time series generated in IDboxRT are treated as assets, allowing easy analysis and configuration for the user.

The IDboxRT acquisition system can be subdivided into 3 blocks of components, which we will develop below:

  • Connectors: the components in this block are responsible for connecting to the data sources and sending the data to the system.

  • Topology: in this block, data is processed in real time, using a set of parts with unique responsibility and persisted in the different storage systems.

  • Storage: this block encompasses the system's databases.

1. Connectors

Connectors are the components that connect to data sources, either by pooling or by subscription.

IDboxRT can connect to multiple data sources such as:

  • Flat files (either by on the file system or via FTP).

  • Databases

  • Industrial protocols: Modbus, OPC DA 2.0, OPC UA, SIMATIC S7, SNMP ...

These connectors send the generated data to a queuing system (Apache Kafka) so that the next block can integrate them into the system. Each message is associated with a time series based on the asset identifier generated when the time series is inventoried in Inventory. The connectors are synchronized with Tessa through the queuing system to receive updates on what data to acquire and how to acquire it (which memory location or item to read, what type of message is generated, etc.). In scenarios where connectivity to Tessa is not possible (unidirectional networks), synchronization must be done manually. Connectors can be run in replica, relying on Apache ZooKeeper (default configuration manager) for this task.

2. Topology

The topology is the real-time data processing system, specifically we use Apache Storm for this task.

Apache Storm works with a topology of interconnected pieces, which can be of two types: Spouts and Bolts (tasks).

  • The Spouts are in charge of obtaining data from outside the topology and sending it to the Botls.

  • The Bolts are the data processing pieces as such, they contain the business logic, both IDboxRT and client (limit management, database persistence, alerts to external systems, etc.).

There is one Spout and four basic Bolts in a standard IDboxRT topology:

  • Kafka Spout: in charge of consuming Kafka data and sending it to the rest of the pieces of the topology.

  • Data processing bolt: allows simple operations to be performed on single data, such as changing the unit with respect to the origin.

  • Limit control bolt: allows assigning a state depending on the signal value and limits configured by the user.

  • Real time bolt: it is in charge of storing the last value of the data in Redis.

  • Data persistence bolt: it is in charge of storing the processed data in Ti-mescaleDB, the main IDboxRT database.

Apache ZooKeeper acts as a configuration manager for Apache Storm.

3. Storage

IDboxRT used databases for storing real-time and time series values, Redis and TimescaleDB respectively. Redis is an in-memory key-value database that allows values to be stored in a distributed manner and updated efficiently. TimescaleDB is an extension of PostgreSQL to work with time series data, so the data is ultimately stored in a relational database.

Pooling mode "b" could be considered as a specific case of subscription mode, since IDboxRT has no temporal control over the data and therefore cannot assume that the data frequency is fixed. In contrast, in pooling mode "a", the data does have a fixed frequency.

The frequency of the data is important to IDboxRT because from the acquired "raw" data, it calculates statistical data that significantly improves the performance of historical data queries over large time periods.

For signals whose data have a fixed frequency, IDboxRT calculates statistics using the arithmetic mean of the data set. For signals without a fixed frequency, IDboxRT must use the time-weighted average.

When persisting data, regardless of the acquisition mode, IDboxRT allows only value and/or state changes to be recorded to minimize data volume while maintaining integrity. This means that it cannot be assumed that when acquiring data with pooling mode "a" the arithmetic mean can always be used.

Although IDboxRT is a customizable product, it is optimized to work with TimescaleDB and this will always be the recommended option, as it is optimized for maximum performance.

Depending on the needs of the project, working with other databases (both SQL and NoSQL) could be considered, although the performance of both data storage and querying could be affected.

Finally, the last data acquired from each signal (real time) is sent to Redis to be available in a more efficient way.


1. Details on data storage

IDboxRT acquires data in two ways:

  • 1. pooling: IDboxRT continuously queries the data source based on a frequency configured by the user. Within this mode we can make a second subdivision depending on how the data source behaves:

    • a. The data source only provides the data value and it is IDboxRT that assigns a time stamp to that value based on the instant at which it was acquired.

    • b. The data source and maintains a timestamp associated with each of the data values.

  • 2. Subscription: For data sources that allow it, IDboxRT subscribes to a dataset and listens for its changes.

2. Details on data retrieval

IDboxRT allows two main modes of data query: raw data and statistical data.

  • Raw data query

    Raw data is the data that IDboxRT acquires directly from the data sources, this data is persisted directly into the database in real time to allow the most accurate historical analysis possible.

    In addition to the database, IDboxRT maintains a cache of the latest raw data received to speed up the queries most used by clients; the interval of cached data is configurable.

  • Statistical data query

    Statistical data are the aggregations that IDboxRT performs in the acquisition process and that are persisted once the calculation interval is closed.

    The statistical types that are calculated in the aggregation are the following:

    • Mean (default statistical type)
    • Maximum
    • Minimum
    • Count
    • Variance

    In addition to these statistical types IDboxRT allows you to query data in the following (calculated based on the previous ones):

    • Cumulative
    • Standard deviation
    • Standard deviation with respect to the mean

    The calculation intervals are configurable depending on the needs of each project, although the most commonly used are 15 minutes and 1 hour.

    IDboxRT does not aggregate at intervals greater than 1 hour, although it does allow selecting higher intervals, doing the aggregation on the fly starting from the 1 hour aggregation.

    Unlike the raw data, IDboxRT does not maintain a cache of statistical data, as it does not provide a noticeable performance improvement.

    IDboxRT allows interpolating the "gaps" in the data series in three ways:

    • No interpolation
    • Linear
    • Step before (step before)
    • Step after (step after)

In addition to the two main query modes, IDboxRT will include in future releases the "best-fit" query mode, which uses a downsampling algorithm to be able to graphically display a large time interval without the need to load the complete raw data set.

3. Examples of query modes on the same signal data

  • Raw: data acquired directly from the source.

  • Statistical: each of the values represents an aggregation in data interval (frequency field). For example, in the following image, for each value represented in the graph the maximum, the minimum and the average (orange series) are shown.

    • Mean: average value of the data interval, the calculation of this value will depend on how the signal was acquired. If the signal has a fixed frequency, the arithmetic mean is used. Otherwise, the time-weighted average is used, associating to each data a weight according to the time difference with the previous data (this indicates the time that the value has been "active").

    • Maximum: maximum value that has been reached in the data interval,

    • Minimum: minimum value that has been reached in the data range,

    • Count: count of values in the data interval.

    • Variance: variance value of the data interval, it is calculated data by data based on the mean, either arithmetic or weighted in time.

    • Accumulated: total sum of values, the calculation of this value will depend on how the signal was acquired. If the signal has a fixed frequency, it is calculated by multiplying the arithmetic mean and the count. Otherwise, it is calculated based on the time-weighted average and the frequency of the signal.

    • Standard deviation: square root of the variance.

    • Standard deviation from average: based on the mean of each



The IDboxRT web is one of the clients available to interact with the system along with the mobile application and plugins for third party applications. Its logical architecture is presented with the description of each of the pieces that make it up, which is implemented using the Angular development framework.

1. Configuration

In addition to the customization that can be applied at user level using the tools available on the web, the architecture supports two technical configurations at system file level that allow customizing the installation.

  • Instance: Parameters read at runtime to customize execution flows without modifying the code. This includes: enabling and disabling of functionality, shortcut management (vertical applications), custom limits, among others.

  • Server: Configuration read by the server to apply redirection rules, content caching, path admission and exclusion, among others.

2. Security

By means of the security service the following two functionalities are available for all the pieces of the web. Specifically:

  • Authentication falls on the Single Sign-On (SSO) piece that is connected to the architecture using the OpenID Connect protocol via an OIDC client. As the authentication is delegated, the configuration and related functionalities depend on this piece: login with external services, security policies, among others. By default, a new Keycloak instance is deployed, but it is possible to integrate with any other existing SSO as long as it follows the aforementioned standard.

  • As for authorization, the IDboxRT API provides the mechanisms for managing access and permissions throughout the application, so it is the one used for reading and management.

3. Data access services

Through the services exposed by the IDboxRT backend it is possible to query data both on demand and in real time. The data access service provides the pieces of the web architecture with an abstraction to homogenize and facilitate its consumption, adequately resolving the routes, parameters, filters, among other payloads. Specifically:

  • On-demand query methods that are transformed into REST API requests using the HTTP protocol over TCP/IP. It currently covers the connection with IDboxRT, Tessa (inventory), Reporting (allows the client to operate and visualize reports) and KML (manages the KML layers of the maps) APIs.

  • Real-time query methods< that are transformed into the opening of TCP communication sockets using the WSS protocol (WebSocket over TLS). Currently covers connection to IDboxRT (real-time system notifications, as well as real-time value of signals and non-inventoried functions) and Tessa (real-time value of signals and inventoried functions).

The data access services use the configuration module for call construction and the security module to complete them with authentication information.

4. Common

There is a set of common libraries, utilities and resources available to be consumed by the rest of the modules. Among them:

  • A set of classes and interfaces that implement the data model and enable development using objects.

  • A catalog of user interface components and reusable routines for general actions that may occur in various sections.

  • Texts related to the translation of the web in the different languages for which it is supported, as well as content formatting aspects according to the user's culture configuration.

These make use of the configuration and data access services.

5. Pages

Each of the sections or documents that make up the web is implemented as a page that has a visual representation and its own business logic.

These can make use of configuration, security, data access service and common resources.

6. Static resources

Formed by the catalog of images, JavaScript code, styles or static pages necessary for the execution of the client.

7. Client core

It is the access point to the web where, by means of HTTP request over TCP/IP, the user or administrator user interacts with the exposed user interface.

The web is generated by means of the construction resulting from the import of the different developed pages and static resources. Once in runtime, the core is in charge of:

  • Using the security module, check if authentication is required to in that case redirect to the SSO login portal.

  • When the user is authenticated, the view is initialized with the main skeleton and context associated with the credentials used. As the user navigates, it is able to load the different pages using a system of tabs, where they remain open in memory to be executed when they are being viewed or, otherwise, retain their state when they are in the background.

  • For all actions available on the web, authorization is validated to check access permissions. In case of having privileges, the affected functionality is enabled, remaining hidden or disabled for the rest of the cases.

To support the operation of the core, use is made of the configuration, security, data access service, static and common resources modules.

8. Message exchange

Regarding the interoperability between the different modules with the core, communication is established with messages transmitted in memory via bus or events.


1. Description of the mobile application

The Mobile App is a native application that allows us to access IDboxRT documents, apart from allowing us to see the real time signals, make graphs on the fly or consult notifications and alarms. The APP Mobile makes use of Xamarin Forms for the native part and the webviews of each of the mobile operating systems to consult the IDboxRT graphs and documents.

2. Application architecture

The architecture is divided into the "web" part and the "native" part. In the web part the webviews of each operating system query the web, the relevant documents exposed by the web. For the native part, we have targets for Android and iOS making common code and tuning it in each version if necessary. The specific operating system versions required are detailed below:

Platform Minimum version Maximum version



Current market



Current market

To perform the login and service calls (e.g. consult document hierarchy, signals, notifications, etc.) the application connects against the external REST webAPI of IDboxRT, using the http or https protocol, depending on the server configuration and configurable port.

There is also a part where several signals can be selected and plotted. This graphing is native to the cell phone itself (it does not consult webparts).

As you can see in the diagram:

  • Login (Steps 1 and 2): The App client, logs in using the OpenID protocol to make the token request (Step 1). It makes the communications described by the protocol and ends up responding with a token (Step 2).

  • REST queries (Steps 3.1-6.1): Once it has that token, it queries the External API via REST requests, any access request that the user wants to see on screen for the native part (e.g. query hierarchy) (Step 3.1). This queries and responds to the Internal API (Steps 4.1 and 5.1) and returns the requested information to the application.

  • Web Queries (Steps 3.2, 4.2): If the user has entered a specific document, the web will be queried for the specific document (Step 3.2) and the web will respond with the document (Step 4.2). The queries made by these documents will be resolved exactly as if we were entering from the web.

3. Notifications

The push notification services of each of the platforms (GCM on Android and APNS on iOS) are also used, allowing to receive notifications to the mobile of the rules defined as APP_Push from the IDboxRT web.


1. Description of Word and Excel Addins

Word and Excel Addins are Office add-ins that allow us to access IDboxRT data and consult historical or statistical data or images of the status of the documents at a specific time.

2. Application architecture

The Word Addin is an add-in created with VSTO (Visual Studio Tools For Office), which ends up being an installable (.exe), which adds an Office COM add-in. The VSTO part will have a button panel to allow us to do these actions.

The Excel Addin, also results in an installable (.exe), but in this case it will install two add-ins. One with the same VSTO technology, that will have the button panel with the possible actions and another Excel add-in (.xll file) that will be in charge of the UDF (User Defined Functions), that is to say that it will allow us to execute customized Excel functions, that attack our IDboxRT system and that can also be generated by means of the button panel.

To be able to enter any of the add-ins, you will have to login against the IDboxRT system you want, connecting against the external REST webAPI of IDboxRT through the http or https protocol, depending on the server configuration and configurable port.

As shown in the diagram:

  • Login: The Word or Excel client, logs in using the OpenID protocol to make the token request. The communications described by the protocol are made and it ends up responding with a token.

  • REST Queries: Once it has that token, it queries the External API through REST requests, any information that the user wants to see (e.g. consult statistical or raw historical data). This queries and responds to the Internal API and returns to the application the requested information to display it in Word or Excel in the form of a table (and in the case of Excel it will generate the associated function).

  • Web Queries: If the user has clicked or dragged a specific document, it will query the web for the specific document, opening a CEF browser based on chromium that will attack the web to load the document and the web will respond with the same. At this point a static capture of the document is taken at that instant of time (which can later be updated), to be included in the document.



1. Introduction

One of the analysis tools available in IDboxRT are the synoptic charts, which allow the visualization of real-time values represented by vector graphics that change dynamically according to the different values of the signals associated with them.

This section is divided into two important tools: the synoptic designer and the synoptic viewer. In both cases, it is worth highlighting the possibility of using auxiliary mouse buttons to enlarge or reduce the graphic representation of the document in greater or lesser detail.

2. Synoptic designer

The synoptic designer allows both the edition of an existing synoptic in IDboxRT and the creation of a new one. The creation of a new synoptic will be done from the shortcuts section, located in the top menu of the Web client.

There are several options for editing a synoptic:

  • From the document explorer, in the document hierarchy, find the location of the synoptic and open it, either by using the edit button on the top toolbar of the hierarchy or by right-clicking on it in the context menu of the document.

  • From the document explorer, in the document carousel, find the synoptic document you want to open and click on the edit button, which is visible when you move the mouse over it.

  • From editing another synoptic, there is also the possibility of opening another synoptic in edit mode.

With any of the above options, the synoptic designer opens.

The main area of the interface (1) is occupied by the tapestry, where the synoptic is drawn.

The mouse wheel allows to increase or decrease the tapestry detail.

Selecting an option from the left side panel (2) displays a submenu with the available settings.

The available menus of the left side panel are:

  • Selection: Allows you to select any element on the wallpaper.

  • Code: Displays the SVG code of the document. In addition, it can be edited manually.

  • Drawing tools: Gives access to the static elements that can be added to the synoptic (shapes, text, image, etc.).

  • Dynamic components: Gives access to the dynamic elements that can be added to the synoptic (progress bar, graph, indicator, etc.).

  • Layers: Gives access to the list of synoptic layers. Allows to configure the synoptic layers.

  • Parameters: Gives access to the list of synoptic parameters. Allows you to configure the synoptic parameters.

  • Forms: Gives access to the list of forms associated to the synoptic. Allows you to configure the shapes of the document.

The designer has a clipboard where the last copied elements are stored, allowing the elements to be dragged to the wallpaper to create copies.

Before selecting any element of the tapestry, in the right side panel, the properties of the tapestry are displayed where you can choose the resolution, adjust the tapestry to the content of the canvas, change the orientation and apply a background (color or import svg files) to the tapestry.

Selecting this option opens a side panel to the right of the tapestry with these options:

  • Fit to content: Allows you to center the canvas by adjusting to the size of the area made by the elements on the pencil.

  • Adjust to tapestry:Allows to center the canvas by adjusting it to the size of the pencil.

  • Show grid: Shows or hides the grid on the canvas.

In addition, as shown in the image, in the right side panel, the following wallpaper preferences can be modified:

  • Resolution: Allows you to change the tapestry resolution with default values, simulating the resolutions of various device screens.

  • Width: Allows to modify the width of the tapestry independently. This measure is in pixels.

  • Height: Allows to modify the height of the tapestry independently. This measurement is in pixels.

  • Background image: Allows to add an image to the background of the tapestry.

  • Background color: Allows to modify the background color of the wallpaper.

2.1. Selector

By clicking on this first button, you enter the selection mode, and can select one or several (Shift) objects on the tapestry.

Once the selection is made, the options in the right side panel are updated:

  • Copy: Possibility to copy selected elements (keyboard combination CTRL+C).

  • Paste: Action of pasting those elements previously copied (CTRL+V).

  • Clone: Ability to clone elements previously designed on the synoptic screen.

  • Delete: Ability to delete elements (Delete key).

  • Move to front: Allows to arrange the elements of the map, bringing the selected elements to the front of the map.

  • Move to back: Allows to sort elements of the wallpaper, to bring selected elements to the back of the wallpaper.

  • Group: Allows you to group the selected elements.

  • Ungroup: Allows to ungroup a previously grouped element in as many elements as they had before the grouping.

When there is more than one element in the selection, the following options are also displayed:

  • Align to the left: Allows you to sort the selected elements to the left.

  • Align right: Allows you to sort the selected elements to the right.

  • Align to top: Allows you to sort the selected elements on the top.

  • Align Bottom: Allows you to sort the selected elements to the bottom.

  • Align to center (vertical): Allows you to sort the selected elements vertically in the center.

  • Align to center (horizontal): Allows you to sort the selected elements horizontally in the central part.

2.2. Code

Displays the svg code of the synoptic. It is possible to modify the synoptic from the code view. One of the practical applications in the code view is to directly copy the XML definition of an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file to load it into a synoptic design canvas. The objective is to have the definition of all the elements and to make it dynamic for changes in colour or behaviour with the association of signals in real time. In the case of not having an SVG format, additional support tools are usually used to export the proprietary files on this universal standard accepted by the W3C consortium and the Web industry.

2.3. Drawing tools

The drawing tools allow you to draw static shapes in the synoptics. You can enhance these elements by changing color, borders and other effects.

To draw elements on the tapestry, select the desired shape and click on the tapestry at the place where you want to start drawing the element.

The following drawing tools are available:

  • Rectangle: Allows you to draw a rectangle. If ‘shift’ is held down while drawing on the tapestry, a square is drawn.

  • Ellipse: Allows to draw an ellipse. If ‘shift’ is pressed and held while drawing on the screen, a circle is drawn.

  • Line: Allows to draw straight lines.

  • Pencil: Allows you to draw a freehand line.

  • Path: Allows you to draw a point-to-point path. The tool allows you to modify the curvature of the lines joining the points once the path has been created.

  • Text: Creates a text box.

  • Image: Allows you to insert an image to the tapestry.

When drawing any of the shapes, a right panel opens with the generic properties as well as the specific properties of each one of them.

2.3.1. Generic properties

The generic properties that apply to all drawing tools are as follows:

  • ID: Identifier that the object has in the code.

  • Alias: Name that allows to identify the object in the template selectors.

  • X and Y: Indicates the X and Y positions of the object in the tapestry and allows the exact location of the object when entering the values in the fields.

  • Rotation: Indicates the rotation range of the object.

  • Edge thickness: Sets the edge thickness of the object by means of a value, either entered in the text box or by means of the value selectors.

  • Border color: Sets the border color by hexadecimal code.

  • Fill color: Sets the fill color of the element by hexadecimal code.

  • Opacity: Sets the transparency of the object.

2.3.2. Effects

The properties included in the effects section are also common to all drawing tools, except for the color change property which does not apply to the image component.

  • Flashing: Option to activate the flashing of the element when the synoptic is being visualized.

  • Tooltip text: Text that is displayed when hovering or clicking on the object.

  • Tooltip object: Allows to select another object in the synoptic (by selecting it with the magnifying glass or typing its identifier in the text field) to be displayed when the mouse pointer is passed over it.

  • Show at startup: Option to show the tooltip at the startup of the synoptic.

  • Hide the rest: Option to hide the other tooltips of the synoptic that are visible.

  • Show on mouse over: Shows the tooltip when hovering over the element. If this check is disabled, the tooltip is shown only when you click on the element.

  • Color change:

  • Value: Allows to select the signal by which the document color change is to occur.

  • Change in: Select whether the color change will be defined by the value or status of the selected signal.

  • Add new item: Configuration of the color as well as the interval by which the color change will occur in the element. It allows to add as many items as color changes per interval needed.

2.3.3. Dynamic properties

Drawing or dynamic components have a series of associated properties that define their position, dimension and appearance, among other characteristics. In addition to being customized in the designer, by editing the configuration of each component, it is also possible to modify them dynamically during the visualization mode with the real time values received. This functionality can be identified under the name of dynamic properties.

Example: A rectangle can have an initially configured height value. However, using dynamic properties this height could change during display according to the real-time value of a signal containing height values. Configuration

To access the dynamic properties configuration of a component, it is sufficient to select it on the screen and deploy the option available in the right menu as shown in the following image. Subsequently, the user interface allows to visualize the dynamic properties associated to that component, as well as to include new configuration entries by clicking on the “add new element” button.

In both cases, the next data input is displayed with the possibility of selecting the signal or function from which to obtain the value and the property where to store it.

  • Signal or Function: Refers to the real-time data used to give value to the component property. When clicked, the signal selector allows you to select one of the signals registered in the system. For more advanced real-time data transformations, a function can also be chosen.

  • Dynamic property: Refers to the property of the component that becomes counted with the value of the previously selected signal. When clicked, the drop-down list shows the properties that can be dynamically modified for the selected component. Format adaptation according to properties

When assigning real-time values to component properties, it is important to take into account the expected format for each property. Sometimes, it is possible that the format of the value received in real time on a signal does not match the one specified for the property. In these scenarios, it is possible to apply a function on the signal to perform the necessary transformation to match the value to be set in the property.

Example: In the system there is a signal whose values range from 0 to 100. This signal wants to be used to set the opacity of a rectangle, where for smaller values it will be more translucent and for higher values it will be more opaque. As the opacity property ranges between 0 and 1, it is necessary to apply a function to adapt the scale, so that if 50 is received as data it is converted to 0.5.

To apply transformations, the functions are used in their two possible modes: stored in the system or declared on the fly in the synoptic itself. For the first scenario, see the stored functions documentation. An example for the declaration in the synoptic document itself is provided below:

<metadata pid="fn_transformation">Signal([OpacityValue]) / 100 </metadata>
<dynamicproperty change_property="opacity" tag="fn_transformation" tag_type="Function" object_id="svg_1"/>

For an extensive definition of the format of each property it is recommended to consult the documentation of the official standard definition of each property, where all possible combinations are shown. The following is a summary of the list of properties available for all drawing elements. Initially, those that are common to all are mentioned:

  • opacity: numeric values between 0 and 1 (including extremes) and separating by dot (.) the decimal part if any.

  • transform: text type value with the correctly formatted transformations to be applied on the element. The following is a list of the more specific transformations corresponding to the drawing elements.

  • d: text type value with the stroke command definition to apply according to the standard.

  • href: reference to the image using the expected nomenclature, such as an embedded path or encoding.

  • stroke, fill: color code in one of the expected formats, such as RGB, hexadecimal, or natural language.

  • x, y, rx, ry, x1, x2, y1, y2, cx, cy, width, height, stroke-width: numeric values, separated by a period (.) if there is a decimal part.

  • text-decoration, text-anchor, font-style, font-family: text-type value from among the options available in the standard.

  • font-weight, font-size: text values are allowed, or numeric values for more precision.

2.3.4. Specific properties

Some drawing tools have specific properties. Of the tools currently available, the rectangle, ellipse, text and image have them. Rectangle

The rectangle tool has the following specific properties:

  • Width/Height: Allows you to fine-tune the dimensions of the rectangle/square.

  • Corner Radius: Allows to apply the radius to the corners. Ellipse

The ellipse tool has the following specific properties:

  • X-radius/Y-radius: Allows to adjust the dimensions (X and Y) with more numerical precision. Text

The text tool has the following specific properties:

  • Content: Indicates the text to be displayed in the element.

  • Font size: Allows to change the font size.

  • Text formatting options: Allows you to activate text formatting in bold, italics and underline. Several formats can be combined.

  • Font: Allows you to select the font for the text.

  • Alignment: Allows you to select the alignment of the text in the element itself. Image

The image tool has the following specific properties.

  • Width/Height: Allows you to adjust the image dimensions with more numerical accuracy.

  • Select image: Allows you to change the image previously selected when adding the object.

2.4 Dynamic components

The dynamic components are the objects in charge of creating the animations that show the status of the different control points to be monitored. Their representation changes according to the values they receive in real time from the associated signal.

To add these components to the tapestry, select the component from the side submenu and drag it to the desired position on the tapestry.

The following dynamic components are available.

As with the drawing tools, all these dynamic components have the same generic properties explained in the section on drawing tools generic properties, effects, dynamic properties, in addition to those specific to each component.

All dynamic components share the same property which is signal. This is chosen from the specific properties of each component, once the component has been dragged to the wallpaper. Clicking on the property opens the signal selector where you can select the signal, function or parameter that you want to link the component.

2.4.1. Component label

The label component is a text box to which a signal is assigned and its value is displayed in real time in the visualization.

In addition to generic properties, effects and dynamic properties, the label component has the properties of the Text component and the following specific ones:

  • Type: Option to choose whether to display the value or the status in real time.

  • Signal: Allows you to select a signal from the list of available signals that opens when selecting on the magnifying glass or clicking directly on this field.

  • Number of decimals: If the selected type is “value”, the option to enter the number of decimals to be displayed is displayed.

  • Text mapping: If the selected type is “value”, it allows to enter text mappings to the values. For example: 0-Off, 1-On.

  • Show units: Checked by default. If the selected type is “value”, it allows to choose whether to display the units of the signal.

  • Thousands separator: Choose whether to display a dot as a thousands separator.

  • Show status: If the selected type is “status”, it allows to choose whether to show all the statuses or the highest priority status.

  • Link: Allows to choose if the click event will be enabled to open a new graph with the selected signal. If selected, the following options are enabled.

  • Graph type: Allows to choose the type of graph to be opened when clicking on the object.

  • Date selection: If the selected graph type is other than “real time”, it allows choosing the dates with which the graph opens when clicking on the object.

2.4.2. Date Component

The date component is a text box that displays the current date.

In addition to generic properties, effects and dynamic properties, the date component has Text component properties and date format settings.

  • Format: Allows you to select the information to be displayed in the date component.

2.4.3. Indicator component

The indicator component is a pointer that changes its position according to the real time value of the selected signal within the minimum and maximum values, configured in the component itself.

In addition to the generic properties,the effects (except for the color change property which does not apply to this component) and the dynamic properties, the indicator component has the following specific properties:

  • Signal: Allows you to select a signal from the list of available signals that opens when you click on the magnifying glass or click directly on this field.

  • Limit type (minimum and maximum): Sets the type of the range limits, both minimum and maximum, for the component, when previewing in real time. There are three types:

  • Static: When the limits have a single value during runtime.

  • Variable: When these values change during the running time, as they are associated to system functions.

  • Variable (template): this option is only available for template type synoptic documents. The values of the limits will be associated to certain attributes of the available templates. The variability of these limits, in this case, lies in the selection of the asset, not as much in the change of value at run time.

  • Value (minimum and maximum): value of the limits of the range that will limit the component, according to the type of limit established in the previous point:

  • If the type is static, the value of the range limits will have a static numeric value.

  • If the type is variable, the value of that limit can be associated with the functions available in the system.

  • If the type is variable (template), the value of each limit is associated to the numeric type attributes of the templates available in the document.

  • Minimum angle: Minimum range of needle rotation (in degrees).

  • Maximum angle: Maximum range of needle rotation (in degrees).

2.4.4. Progress bar

The progress bar component is a graphical element in the form of a band that varies according to the real-time value of the signal.

In addition to the generic properties, effects and dynamic properties, the progress bar component has the properties of the Rectangle component and the following specific ones:

  • Signal: Allows you to select a signal from the list of available signals that opens when you click on the magnifying glass or click directly on this field.

  • Limit type (minimum and maximum): Sets the type of the range limits, both minimum and maximum, for the component, when previewing in real time. There are three types:

    • Static: When the limits have a single value during runtime.

    • Variable: When these values change during the running time, as they are associated to system functions.

    • Variable (template): this option is only available for template type synoptic documents. The values of the limits will be associated to certain attributes of the available templates. The variability of these limits, in this case, lies in the selection of the asset, not as much in the change of value at run time.

  • Value (minimum and maximum): value of the limits of the range that will limit the component, according to the type of limit established in the previous point:

    • If the type is static, the value of the range limits will have a static numeric value.

    • If the type is variable, the value of that limit can be associated with the functions available in the system.

    • If the type is variable (template), the value of each limit is associated to the numeric type attributes of the templates available in the document.

  • Orientation: Allows to orientate the progress bar horizontally or vertically.

  • Reverse direction: Allows to activate the reverse direction in the progress bar, moving from right to left.

  • Background color: Static background color of the bar.

2.4.5. Switch component

The switch component allows you to draw several objects, each of which is displayed depending on the real-time value of the chosen signal.

In addition to the generic properties, the effects (except for the color change property which does not apply to this component) and the dynamic properties, the switch component has the following specific properties:

  • Signal: Allows you to select a signal from the list of available signals that opens when you click on the magnifying glass or click directly on this field.

  • Add new element: Allows you to add as many elements as value configurations you want for the signal. For each element added, a configuration tab of the element is displayed as shown in the following image:

This setting shows a thumbnail of the image that will be displayed when the signal has the configured value for that element.

  • Minimum value: Minimum value of the range of values for which the image is displayed.

  • Maximum value: Maximum value of the range of values for which the image is displayed.

  • Default element: allows you to select which will be the default element to be displayed from all the configured elements.

To add the image to each configured element, the following steps must be followed.

1.-In the tapestry, you have to have the shape or image you want to link to the element (in the example it will be the square in red).

2.-Drag the image (red square) over the switch component that has been previously incorporated into the tapestry. The following screen appears where you have to drag the image to the desired element.

The elements can be rearranged, either from the configuration screen of the switch itself by drag&drop on the element to be moved and drop it on the new position.

2.4.6. Circular progress bar

The circular progress bar component is a percentage indicator in the form of a circle that visually displays the value of the selected signal.

In addition to generic properties, effects and dynamic properties, the circular progress bar has the following specific properties:

  • Signal: Allows you to select a signal from the list of available signals that opens when you click on the magnifying glass or click directly on this field.

  • Limit type (minimum and maximum): Sets the type of the range limits, both minimum and maximum, for the component, when previewing in real time. There are three types:

  • Static: When the limits have a single value during runtime.

  • Variable: When these values change during the running time, as they are associated to system functions.

  • Variable (template): this option is only available for template type synoptic documents. The values of the limits will be associated to certain attributes of the available templates. The variability of these limits, in this case, lies in the selection of the asset, not as much in the change of value at run time.

  • Value (minimum and maximum): value of the limits of the range that will limit the component, according to the type of limit established in the previous point:

  • If the type is static, the value of the range limits will have a static numeric value.

  • If the type is variable, the value of that limit can be associated with the functions available in the system.

  • If the type is variable (template), the value of each limit is associated to the numeric type attributes of the templates available in the document.

  • Background color: Static background color of the progress bar.

2.4.7. Linking component

The link component creates a rectangle in the tapestry that is placed over the area to be linked. It allows to choose between links to different web documents (synoptic, graphs, diagrams, etc.).

In addition to the generic properties, the effects (except for the color change property which does not apply to this component) and the dynamic properties, the link component has the following specific properties:

  • Document: Allows you to select the location and the document on which you want to create a link.

  • Edit parameters: Visible if the selected document is of synoptic or custom web contenttype and has parameters. When clicked, it displays a modal window in which the parameter values of the selected synoptic are set.

In addition, it is possible to provide an attribute value of an assets template within the synoptic document.

To do so, the nomenclature “{#at_id}” has to be used in the value field, where “at_id” is the attribute identifier.

It can be extracted from the “attribute” parameter of a component tag that uses it, as shown in the example:


Therefore, if it is desired to link the value of a parameter to the value of a specific attribute, the following should be entered in parameter editing, continuing with the example:

2.4.8. Pie chart

The pie chart component allows to visualize the values of different signals by means of a pie chart representation.

In addition to the generic properties, the effects (except for the color change property which does not apply to this component) and the dynamic properties, the pie chart has the following specific properties:

  • Add new element: Allows the selection and configuration of the signals to be added to the pie chart. When adding a new element, a tab is added to the configuration where you can select the signal, the tooltip to be displayed and the color, as well as the option to delete the selected element.

  • Full circle: Select whether you want a full circle (360º, checked) or a half circle (180º unchecked).

  • Start angle: Allows you to select what will be the starting position in degrees for the first value.

  • Show tooltip: Checked by default, it shows the name of the signal or the configured text to be shown in the tooltip, when passing over the corresponding pie section.

  • Show description: Displays the name of the signal above each pie section.

  • Show percentage: Displays the percentage of the signal above each pie section.

  • Inner radius: Allows to configure the hollow center of the pie (donut type) either in pixels indicating only numerical value or in percentage adding a % symbol to the numerical value.

Within the pie chart configuration, there is the option of reordering the items by drag&drop.

2.4.9. Chart component

The chart component allows you to add a chart to the synoptic, either from among those stored in IDboxRT or by creating it instantly.

In addition to the generic properties, the effects (except the color change property which does not apply to this component) and the dynamic properties, the graphic component has the following specific properties:

  • Saved document: Allows you to choose between opening an already saved chart or creating it on the fly.

  • Document: If the check box is checked, the graph to be embedded in the synoptic can be selected from the documents saved in IDboxRT.

  • Configuration: Otherwise, the fields “chart type”, “signals”, “attribute” and/or “date selection” are displayed to configure the chart to be displayed. By its nature, the chart generated on the fly is only available through the synoptic and is not stored as an IDboxRT document. It is important to note that the “attribute” configuration is only available for the template document type, and is also exclusive of the “signals” configuration since the former allows to generate an inventory template document while the latter a signals document.

  • Background color: Allows to select the background color of the chart, being transparent by default.

During the synoptic display, it is possible to open the linked document in a new IDboxRT tab by clicking on the chart component.

2.4.10. Historical table

The historical table component allows you to display the historical data of several signals in table format.

In addition to the generic properties, the effects (except for the color change property which does not apply to this component) and the dynamic properties, the history table component has the following specific properties:

  • Signals: Allows you to select the signals to be displayed.

  • Title: Allows to indicate whether to display the name or the description of the signal, by default the name of the signal is displayed.

  • Frequency: Allows to modify the frequency of the historical data.

  • Samples: Allows to modify the number of samples to be displayed.

  • Pivot: Allows to pivot the table (change the rows by columns).

  • AutoUpdate: Allows to indicate if the table will be updated with new historical data.

  • Edit table: Shows a modal window that allows to modify the table properties. Historical table properties

Allows you to modify the properties of the table by displaying its preview.

  • Rows: Displays the number of rows in the table.

  • Columns: Displays the number of columns in the table.

  • Border: Allows you to select whether to show the table border or not.

  • Color border: Allows to modify the color of the table border.

  • Headers: Allows to modify the highlighted cells (none, first row, first column, last row, last column, rows to bands, columns to bands).

  • Alignment: Allows you to modify the alignment of the table texts (left, center or right).

  • Header color: Allows you to modify the fill color of the highlighted cells.

  • Content color: Allows you to change the color of the cells that are not highlighted.

You can change the height of the rows and the width of the columns by dragging the mouse over the dividing line:

2.4.11. Operation switch

The switch component allows commands to be sent on the selected signal.

In addition to the generic properties, the effects (except for the color change property which does not apply to this component) and the dynamic properties, the operation switch component has the following specific properties:

  • Signal: Allows to select the signal on which the command is to be sent.

  • Value on: Value to be sent when the circuit breaker is turned on.

  • Value off: Value to be sent when the circuit breaker is turned off.

To add the image to each configured element, the following steps must be followed:

1.-In the tapestry, there must be the shape or image that you want to link to the element (in the example it will be the square in green). Tapestry with switch component and image for the element

2.-Drag the image (green square) over the switch component that has been previously incorporated into the tapestry. When doing so, the following screen appears where you have to drag the image to the desired element.

2.4.12. Operation button

The operation button component allows you to send commands on the selected signal. It allows you to select among three ways of sending commands.

In addition to generic properties, effects and dynamic properties, the operation button component has the following specific properties:

  • Signal**: Allows to select the signal on which the command is to be sent.

  • Delay**: Delay time for sending the command.

  • Minimum value: Minimum value that can be sent in the command.

  • Maximum value: Maximum value that can be sent in the command.

  • Time limit: Time limit for resetting the value.

  • Time limit value: Value to be reset when the time indicated in the “time limit” field has elapsed.

  • Type: Allows to select the type of sending: keyboard, selector or sending. The default type is keyboard.

  • If the type is “keyboard” the following properties are displayed:
  • Real time: Select whether the keyboard is initialized with the last value of the signal.

  • If the type is “selector” the following properties are displayed:
  • Text mapping: Allows you to select the signal on which the command is to be sent.

  • Show value: Allows you to select whether to show the value or not.

  • Source size: If “show value” has been selected, the text size can be modified.

  • If the type is “send”, the following properties are displayed:
  • Value: Select the value to be sent.

2.4.13. Hidden area

The “hidden area” component allows to include an element inside it that is only shown when the focus is placed on the area where it is located, remaining hidden the rest of the time. The content of a hidden area can be a simple object, a dynamic component or even a grouping of several elements.

Once the component is placed on the tapestry, the configuration panel shows its generic properties, effects and dynamic properties. However, it does not have specific properties, since its behavior is configured by dragging the element to be hidden to the hidden area. At that moment, a drop-down is displayed on the screen to place the object, as shown in the steps of the following image.

To modify the included element, it is sufficient to repeat the process, dragging the desired object over the previous one. In this case, it is important to note that the element in use in the hidden area will be replaced by the new one.

2.5. Layers

From the layers section, you can create as many layers as necessary for the synoptic design, as well as choose in which layer you want to work at any time, locking the rest of the layers. Its use is recommended when importing large synoptics and you want to add dynamic components without modifying their appearance.

The options available in the layers panel are the following:

  • Add: Allows you to add a new layer.

  • Rename: Rename the selected layer.

  • Delete: Allows to delete the selected layer.

  • Move up layer: Allows you to sort layers, moving the selected layer up one position.

  • Lower layer: Allows you to sort layers, moving the selected layer down one position.

  • Hide/Show layer: Allows to hide or show the layer on the layer.

2.6. Parameters

Parameters are objects that allow the configuration and editing of values in certain elements, such as labels, progression bar, etc… so that these values can be easily edited and accessed.

2.6.1. List of parameters

In the parameters section is defined the list of document parameters, in this section you can create, edit and delete them.

  • Add: Allows you to add a new parameter.

  • Delete: Allows you to delete the selected parameter.

When a parameter is selected, the right panel with the parameter properties is displayed.

2.6.2. Parameter properties

Allows you to modify the following properties of the selected parameter:

  • Name: Add or edit the name of the parameter.

  • Description: Add or edit the description.

  • Required: If you want the value to be mandatory.

  • Type: Parameters can be of two types, value or signal.

  • Signal/value selector: In this section, you can select a signal with the help of the modal or simply add a value.

2.7. Forms

A synoptic itself is made up of vector graphics, so all the elements of the synoptic are vector drawings. If you have the code of an element that you want to insert in a synoptic, it would be enough to change the designer view to code view and paste it in the desired place. If this vectorial drawing is going to be used recurrently, it can be added to the shape library and always be available to the user in the designer as explained above.

From this section, you can organize the different forms that are used in a synoptic, by means of directories. These can be created and deleted , by clicking on the respective buttons available in the drop-down menu, when accessing the forms. The order in the list of shape directories is given by the order in which they are created, unlike the layers section, in which the order in which the layers are displayed can be altered.

After creating a directory, content can be expanded and added using the add button. It is only possible to attach shapes with an svg extension. Once a shape has been successfully added, in addition to showing a thumbnail preview, it can be dragged onto the tapestry, to show it within the synoptic.

If you want to delete a shape from the directory, clicking on the delete button next to the shape thumbnail deletes the shape from the directory.

2.8. Signs in use

The drop-down list of signals located in the right panel of properties allows consulting the signals that are being used in the synoptic open in the designer. This option is only available when the focus is on the document, i.e. when no element is selected.

2.8.1. List of signals

The list is displayed, as shown in the following image, after opening the drop-down list. It contains all those IDboxRT signals that are linked to a drawing or dynamic component. This link can occur not only by a direct association to query its value or status, but also indirectly, by a configuration of effects or dynamic properties. For each signal, its name, description and real-time data are displayed.

2.8.2. Component localization by signal

In addition to displaying the signs in use, it is also possible to locate them on the referenced components. To do this, simply click on the signal to be located on the screen. At that moment, those components on which the signal is being used will start to blink for a few seconds to be identified.

2.9. Templates

Document templates are a tool to be able to use the same synoptic configuration to represent the signals of different assets in the inventory.

There are two different ways to create a document of this type:

  • From the top toolbar of IDboxRT, by clicking on the synoptic button, a small menu appears where “New template” can be selected. By clicking on it, the creation wizard is displayed where main template selection can be made.

  • From the hierarchy tree of templates, a template can be selected and by clicking the right mouse button, after choosing the “New document template” option, select “Synoptic”. The module editor opens directly for working with the new document of template type, with the selected template as the main template.

Within it, two different sections can be distinguished.

1.-First, the left panel shows the list of all the templates that make up the document. By default, the main template, selected in the wizard, is displayed. It is worth mentioning that the main template cannot be deleted.

2.-When adding a component (either dynamic or static), the right panel displays the “Attribute” field to select the attribute to be linked to the component.

Template documents can be distinguished from other documents by displaying a special icon.

When opening a synoptic with template, it can be done from three different places in the explorer:

1.-If it is opened from the asset detail page. Here it is possible to visualize the documents of template type that have as main template the one that corresponds to the asset. In this case, when the document is opened, if it has more than one template, the system performs the asset preselection from the main asset from which the document was opened. In the case of a single template, the document is opened directly. In this case, the document is opened with the instance of the selected asset(s), so it does not allow saving the document.

2.-If opened from the detail page of a template. It displays all documents of template type whose main template is the selected one. By clicking on the document it can be edited directly.

3.-From the document hierarchy or the carousel. When opening the document, the user has to select the asset whose data will be displayed on the document. If there is more than one, the system performs the corresponding asset preselection.In this case, the document is opened with the instance of the selected asset(s), so it does not allow the document to be saved. In the case of editing, saving of the document is allowed.

In all cases, once in the synoptic editor, the “Templates” option is displayed in the left side toolbar.

If the button is clicked, the template panel is displayed, with the main template first. If the button is clicked to add more templates to the document, a modal is displayed with those that are related to the main one. If the relationship is a descendant, it can only be added if it is directly related to the main one or to the descendants that are added after it, that is, only “daughter” templates can be added, each time, not “granddaughter” templates until the “daughters” have been added, and so on. On the other hand, if a template (other than the main one) is to be deleted, it must be selected in the panel and then pressing the button that is enabled when a template is selected.

3. Viewer

The synoptic viewer allows the visualization of a synoptic previously designed with the Designer tools showing the real-time values of the configured dynamic components.

To display a synoptic, it will be necessary to select a synoptic type document from the document explorer. Several options are available:

  • From the hierarchy, once the document has been selected, either through the option of the upper toolbar, or through the open option of the document contextual menu or by double clicking on the synoptic to be displayed.

  • In the document explorer, in the central document section of the selected hierarchy, by clicking on the synoptic.

Using the button, the list of signals in the synoptic can be displayed in a drop-down panel on the right-hand side.

In the case that a document with templates is displayed, the casuistry of asset selection and permissions on this document are explained in the previous section.

3.1. Synoptic with parameters

If the displayed synoptic has parameters, when loading a modal is displayed that allows assigning the values to the synoptic parameters.

It is mandatory to assign a value to all required values.


1. Introduction

One of the analysis tools available in the system are the graphs. The application allows the following types of graphs:

  • of historical data, called trend,

  • by time groupings, called grouped,

  • in real time,

  • and dispersion.

Graphs can be created from the launcher, from the shortcuts section of the signal list, or from the top menu.

1.-To create the chart from the launcher, signals in “My Signal Selection” are required. They can be choose and selected specifically, as the chart type, after pressing the corresponding button below the signal list.

Note: In the signals grid section of the explorer, by clicking on the button , that signal will be added to “My signal selection”.

1.-From the shortcuts section only the trend chart will be available. Pressing the button will open a trend chart with the selected signals and with a period of one week.

2.-Clicking on the charts button on the top menu will display the options to create a new chart or to create a chart template. Clicking on either of them will open the chart creation wizard. If we do not have permissions to view the inventory, the option to create a template will not be displayed.

In the wizzard, the following sections are shown:

  • Chart Type: As previously indicated, any of the four types of chart currently enabled can be selected. It can be seen that the correlation chart is disabled.

  • Signals: Will only be displayed if “New graph” button is clicked. A minimum of one signal must be selected and the maximum value configured in the configuration file will be used.

  • Main template: It will only be displayed if “New template” button is clicked first. At least, one template must be selected and no more than three. Only templates with at least one attribute of type signal will be shown.

  • Attributes: It will only be shown if “New template” button is clicked. it allows the user to select attributes for each of the templates selected in the previous step. Between one and three attributes must be selected. Only compatible attributes will be shown.

  • Dates: Allows to select the dates configuration of the chart. It will apply to all series.

Once the initial configuration is set, the configured chart will be displayed on the screen. The central area, the graphical representation corresponds to the previously selected configuration type of chart, dates and series.

On the left side, there is a drop-down menu to modify the chart configuration. Switching between the different sections of the menu, will display the configuration menu located in the right panel which will show specific options to the selected menu. This menu will be hidden by default until the settings button is clicked.

The toolbar is located at the top right.

2. Trend chart

The “Trend chart” functionality allows the representation of a set of historical data at different resolutions on a collection of points. It also allows the representation of statistical data and the application of mathematical functions for data monitoring.

For the creation of this type of chart, in addition to the options explained in the previous section, the tool has a direct access from the document explorer, for the quick creation of this type of charts once the series have been selected.

By default, this chart will be configured with the period of the last 24 hours and marked Auto.

From the chart representation itself, the configuration of the period can be quickly changed, entering different time intervals for queries and the mark, the frequency at which the data is displayed.

Different interaction modes are available to analyze the selected time window.

  • Zoom by dragging with the left click on the chart to zoom in on the timestamp, this action can also be performed in the browser.

  • Dragging the navigator with left click to move in time.

  • Drag the navigator from the edges to increase or decrease the time interval.

  • Right click dragging in the desired direction, to move forward or backward in time.

  • Mouse wheel to increase or decrease the time interval (Configurable in the configuration file).

  • Using the navigation buttons that appear at the bottom of the chart when the mouse is moved over that area (image below). Going forward and backward in time, is allowed with these buttons, as well as to increase or decrease the displayed time interval.

General parameters of the chart in the configurator can be configured.

3. Grouped graph

The grouped chart allows to represent the historical data of any signal by displaying/clustering the values in common time scales. Also allows to visualize the patterns in different time groupings of the signals. The clustering can be done according to different statistical clustering measures.

From the chart representation itself, the configuration of the period can be quickly changed, entering different time intervals for queries and the statistical type.

General parameters of the chart in the configurator can be configured.

4. Real-time chart

This type of chart allows to consult the values of the selected signals in real time. The values shown at the bottom of the Y-axis may vary depending on whether there are data readings with nearby values.

Unlike the other charts, a time interval is not selected in real time but a number of samples need to be selected. When a real time chart is loaded, the last X data, selected in the third step of the wizard, will be loaded. By default, this setting will take the value present in the configuration file.

The time axis will be adjusted to the received samples. This graph provides the ability to automatically scale the axes according to the selected time window and the historical record of values. It also provides the ability to configure the axes manually from the advanced axis settings. It may happen that two signals with a very different base frequency are plotted, and in this case the chart will not be displayed correctly.

For example, if signal 1 has its maximum frequency at 1 hour and signal 2 has it at 1 second and with the chart configured at 300 samples, the data of signal 1 will occupy 5 days, while those of signal 2 will occupy 5 minutes. In this case, signal 2 will be barely visible at the end of the time axis in the chart, so a warning will be displayed recommending to hide one of the signals. Hidden signals will not be taken into account for the calculation of the X-axis interval.

General parameters of the chart in the configurator can be configured.

5. Dispersion chart

The dispersion chart shows the relation between two selected signals, showing one in the X axis and the other in the Y axis.

It also has different mathematical tools that help analyze the data such as regressions.

As in the trend chart, the selected period will be displayed at the top, and it will be possible to change that period and the mark.

6. Configurator

The chart configurator is divided into four sections, represented by the icons in the left sidebar (1) that give access to each section. Clicking on each of them, will expand a panel next to it with the corresponding section. By default, there will be no section selected. Clicking on the already selected section will hide it.

6.1. Series

Displays the series represented in the chart and has the following actions in the toolbar:

  • Add: This action will open a new window allowing the insertion of new signals or functions to the chart without having to open a new chart from scratch. If we want to add functions we will have to look for the “Functions” section in the lower left part of the window.

  • Duplicate: Allows the duplication of the selected series with its configuration.

  • Delete: Deletion of the selected series.

  • Hide: Allows the selected series to be hidden and displayed on the chart.

  • Besides adding, copying, deleting, displaying/hiding series on the chart, the option is given to perform configuration. There are two types:
  • Single: changes made will apply to only one series.

  • Multiple: the changes made will apply to all selected series. If no series is selected, they will all be counted as selected.

  • In the multiple configuration it is not possible to edit all configurations as it is in the single configuration. List of locked configurations in multiple editing:
  • Edit the title of a series.

  • Change the tag or function of a series.

  • If the selected series use different units, it is not possible to edit the units.

  • If the selected series have different signal types, it will not be possible to edit the statistical type.

  • If within our selection we have selected a function, the following fields will be blocked:
  • Statistical type

  • Units

If we are performing a multiple edition, a list with all the series of the chart will be displayed. When a field is shown in which each series has a different value, the field will be shown with an empty value.

A selected series changes its background color to the corporate color. To select or deselect a series, left-click on it. The “Shift” key can be used to quickly make a multiple selection. To do this, select the first desired series in the list, and then click on the last series while holding down the “Shift” key, all series between the first and the last one will be automatically selected.

It will also be possible in this list to reorder the series by dragging them with left click.

The configuration of a series is divided into four blocks:

6.1.1. Dates

Allows to select the time interval for which the data will be displayed. The dates can be typed in the text field or click on the calendar icon to open the date selector.

6.1.2. General

Allows to select the characteristics related to the configuration of the series data.

  • Title: Allows to change the name of the series. This will be the name by which the series is identified in the interface (legend, menus, etc.).

  • Signal: Allows to change the signal shown in the chart for another one chosen from the Signal Selector. If we are in trend, the selection of functions will also be allowed.

  • Units: In case the selected signal has a unit associated with it, a unit conversion may be applied to the data represented (from among the conversions available for that unit).

  • Statistical type: Allows to select the statistical type (when the represented data are not raw data). The options depend on the type of signal selected:

  • Analog signals: Mean, maximum, minimum, variance, standard deviation, count, cumulative, maximum and minimum and standard deviation from the mean.

  • Discrete signals: Count, mode, count of true values and count of false values.

  • Digital signals: Count and mode.

  • Functions: Discrete type selection is not available for functions.

  • Interpolation: Select the interpolation to be applied. It can be No interpolation, Linear, Step before and Step after.

  • Mark: Allows to select the frequency for which the data will be requested. If the resolution is greater than ‘Max’ it will be statistical data, otherwise it will be raw data. The Auto option allows the mark to be adjusted dynamically according to the selected time period. It will be possible to write marks higher than the last displayed mark. If the mark entered is hours, it will be set to a divisor of 24 hours. Example: If 7 hours are entered, it will be automatically changed to 8 hours. If 10 hours are entered, it will be automatically changed to 12 hours.

6.1.3. Appearance

Allows to select the display characteristics of the series on the graph.

  • Line type: Allows to modify the format of the chartal representation. The options are:

  • Line: Series of segments connecting the signal values.

  • Smooth line: Smooth curve connecting the signal values.

  • Stepped line: Series of segments similar to the line, but using only vertical and horizontal lines to connect the signal values (the line will be horizontal until we have a new value, when it will be joined by a vertical straight line).

  • Area: Generates a defined area between zero and the signal values with the line type.

  • Column: Series of columns for each signal value.

  • Marker: Only the values of the series will be displayed in dotted format.

  • Visible: Allows to configure the visibility of the series.

  • Marker color: Allows to configure the color of the markers of each of the values represented.

  • Marker thickness: Allows to configure the size of the markers of each of the represented values. If it is 0, they will not be displayed.

  • Marker border color: Allows to configure the border color of the markers.

  • Marker border thickness: Allows to configure the thickness of the markers border. If it is 0 it will not be shown.

  • Line color: Allows to configure the color of the lines that join the different values.

  • Line thickness: Allows to configure the thickness of the line. In case of being 0 no lines will be shown (dot plot).

  • Line style: Allows to change the line style. Useful to differentiate two series with the same color.

  • Opacity: Allows to change the opacity of the area fill.

  • Column color: Allows to change the color of the columns when we are in column mode.

  • The column color is only available with Column line type. In column type only the column color will be available. The opacity is only available with row type Area.

  • Status icons: Allows the markers whose value has a status change to show the icon that represents that status.

  • Show gaps: Button that acts as a shortcut to filter the “OutOfDate” status.

  • Hide invalid: Button that acts as a shortcut to filter the “Invalid” status.

  • Filter statuses: filter by the different statuses registered at application level.

In the dispersion chart, this configuration is available for each element in the chart (scatter, trust area, heatmap…)

6.1.4. Value marking

Allows to configure a series so that when its values are higher or lower than another series the values are marked with an area. If there is no compatible series in the chart this section will be locked.

  • Reference series: Here the signal can be selected with which to contrast the values. For a series to be compatible and allowed to be selected it has to fulfill two conditions:

  • 1.-The date configuration must be the same.

    2.-The series have to be associated to the same axes, both X and Y.

  • Type of marking: Field to indicate if we want the values to be marked to be the upper or the lower ones.

6.1.5. Asymptotes

Allows the configuration of a line associated to the series with an editable value. At the top, three buttons to add asymptotes can be found.

  • Add asymptote: Allows to add an asymptote (associated line). Each added asymptote will be displayed in a list in this section and can be configured.

  • Add representative limits: The asymptotes corresponding to the representative limits for the selected signal will be added (they correspond to the maximum and minimum of the signal’s own configuration). If they are already added, the button will change to delete them.

  • Add maximum, minimum and average: 3 lines will be added for the selected signal corresponding each one to the maximum, minimum and average value of the data shown by that signal in the representation. If they are already added, the button will change to delete them.

The following properties can be configured for each asymptote:

  • Title: Allows to change the name of the asymptote, which will be displayed on the chart.

  • Value type

  • Custom: We will indicate in the value field the position of the asymptote.

  • Maximum representative: It will position the asymptote at the maximum value of the series configuration.

  • Representative minimum: Will position the asymptote at the minimum value of the series configuration.

  • Maximum: It will position the asymptote at the maximum value of the painted data of the series.

  • Minimum: Will position the asymptote at the minimum value of the painted data of the series.

  • Average: It will position the asymptote at the average value of the painted data of the series.

  • Value: Position of the asymptote. If the asymptote is not of type “Custom” this property cannot be modified.

  • Line type: Allows to modify the format of the asymptote representation in the graph.

  • Color: Allows to configure the color of the asymptote.

  • Value marking: Allows to define the rolling bands (upper and lower limits). If enabled, the values of the series passing over the asymptote position will show an area towards the asymptote.

6.2. Y-axis

Displays the axes represented in the chart and has the following actions in the toolbar:

  • Add: This action will add a new Y axis.

  • Duplicate: Allows the duplication of the selected axes with their configuration.

  • Delete: Deletion of the selected axes.

  • Hide: Allows the selected axes to be hidden and displayed on the graph.

If an axis does not have an associated series it will not be represented in the graph.

In addition to adding, copying, deleting, displaying/hiding axes on the chart, the option is given to perform . There are two types:

  • Single: changes made will apply to only one axis.

  • Multiple: changes made will apply to all selected series. If no axis is selected, all will be counted as selected.

In the multiple configuration it is not possible to edit all configurations as it is in the single configuration.

List of locked configurations in multiple Y-axis editing:

  • Edit the title of an axis.

  • Associated series configuration.

When displaying a field in which each axis has a different value, the field with the empty value will be displayed.

A selected axis changes its background color to the corporate color. To select or deselect an axis left click on it. The “Shift” key can be used to quickly make a multiple selection. To do this, select the first desired axis in the list, and then click on the last one while holding down the “Shift” key, all axes between the first and the last one will be automatically selected.

It will also be possible in this list to reorder the axes by dragging them with left click.

The configuration of an axis is divided into 3 blocks:

6.2.1. General

Allows to select the general characteristics of the selected Y-axis.

  • Title: Allows to modify the title of the axis.

  • Visible: Check box to modify the visibility of the axis.

  • Grid: Check box to show or hide the horizontal lines.

  • Color: Allows to modify the color of the axis.

  • Logarithmic scale: Checkbox to change the scale with which the values will be represented (between normal and logarithmic).

  • Position: Allows to change the position of the axes (between left and right).

  • Adjustment: Configures the scale of the axis. The options are:

  • Auto: The axis is automatically adjusted to the values of the signals linked to the axis.

  • Manual: Two additional settings are displayed to indicate the Min and Max of the axes.

  • TAG setting: The maximum and minimum values configured in the signal are used as maximum and minimum. For this option to be available, the axis can only have a series associated with an analog signal.

6.2.2. Associated series

Displays the list of series linked to the selected axis, accompanied by a checkbox that will be checked if the series belongs to the selected axis. A series can be linked or unlinked to an axis by checking or unchecking the box. If an axis has no associated series, it will not be shown in the graph.

6.2.3. Asymptotes

Allows the configuration of a line associated to the axis with an editable value. At the top we find 2 buttons to add asymptotes.
  • Add asymptote: Allows to add an asymptote (associated line). Each added asymptote will be displayed in a list in this section and can be configured.

  • Add maximum, minimum and average: 3 lines will be added for the selected signal, each corresponding to the maximum, minimum and average value of the data displayed on the axis. These data correspond to the grouping of all the series associated with the axis. If they are already added, the button will change to delete them.

The following properties can be configured for each asymptote:

  • Title: Allows to change the name of the asymptote, which will be displayed on the graph.

  • Value type

  • Custom: We will indicate in the value field the position of the asymptote.

  • Maximum: It will position the asymptote at the maximum value of the painted data of the series.

  • Minimum: Will position the asymptote at the minimum value of the painted data of the series.

  • Average: It will position the asymptote at the average value of the painted data of the series.

  • Value: Position of the asymptote. If the asymptote is not of type “Custom” this property cannot be modified.

  • Line type: Allows to modify the format of the asymptote representation in the graph.

  • Color: Allows to configure the color of the asymptote.

  • Value marking: Allows to define the rolling bands (upper and lower limits). If enabled, the values of the series passing over the asymptote position will show an area towards the asymptote.

6.2.4. Examples configurations

Examples - axis level configurations: a) Axis visible; grid visible; axis position: left; associated series: one series of the 2 that the chart has; no asymptotes.

b) Axis visible; grid: not visible; axis position: right; associated series: all; added asymptotes with max, min, and mean value.

6.3. X-axis

Displays the axes represented in the chart and has the following actions in the toolbar:

  • Add: This action will add a new Y axis.

  • Duplicate: Allows the duplication of the selected axes with their configuration.

  • Delete: Deletion of the selected axes.

  • Hide: Allows the selected axes to be hidden and displayed on the graph.

If an axis does not have an associated series it will not be represented in the graph.

In addition to adding, copying, deleting, displaying/hiding axes in the chart, the following configuration options are available . There are two types:

  • Single: changes made will apply to only one axis.

  • Multiple: the changes made will apply to all selected series. If no axis is selected, all will be counted as selected.

In the multiple configuration it is not possible to edit all configurations as it is in the single configuration.

List of locked configurations in multiple Y-axis editing:

  • Edit the title of an axis.

  • Change the tick interval.

  • Configuration of associated series.

When displaying a field in which each axis has a different value, the field with the empty value will be displayed.

A selected axis changes its background color to the corporate color. To select or deselect an axis left click on it. The “Shift” key can be used to quickly make a multiple selection. To do this, select the first desired axis in the list, and then click on the last one while holding down the “Shift” key, all axes between the first and the last one will be automatically selected.

It will also be possible in this list to reorder the axes by dragging them with left click.

The configuration of an axis is divided into 3 blocks:

6.3.1. General

Allows to select the general characteristics of the selected X-axis.

  • Title: Allows to modify the title of the axis.

  • Visible: Check box to modify the visibility of the axis.

  • Grid: Allows to display vertical lines for each time division of the x-axis.

  • Tick interval: By default its value is Auto allowing the time interval marks to be displayed on the x-axis to be automatically adjusted according to the time period configured in the chart. When selecting another value from the drop-down list, the X-axis will display tick marks according to the chosen value.

  • Color: Allows to modify the color of the axis.

6.3.2. Associated series

Displays the list of series linked to the selected axis, accompanied by a checkbox that will be checked if the series belongs to the selected axis. A series can be linked or unlinked to an axis by checking or unchecking the box. If an axis has no associated series, it will not be shown in the chart.

6.4. Types of chart

Allows to change the chart type to one of the other chart types available in the system. Due to incompatibilities between all chart types, only the selected signals and dates are taken into account when changing the type. Also, not all charts support the same types of signals. In case they are not compatible, the series will be deleted. If no signal is compatible, thwhen editing a trend chart and, by mistake, it is switched to grouped chart, switching back is possible to trend chart and the configuration will not be lost.

From the “Configuration” button the right side panel will be displayed, which allows to modify the general options of the chart in question. Some settings are common to all chart types:

  • Graph: allows to configure whether the trend chart will be of type Simple: default option, all series share axis regardless of their scale.

  • Simple: default option, all series share the same axis regardless of their scale. It allows to configure the axes by accessing the Y axes configuration.

  • Multiaxes: Since each signal contains different scales due to the value of its data, with the option of multiple axes it is possible to visualize the values of the different signals at the same time with their corresponding axes (these axes will be configurable). Within this configuration for each series we can define a Maximum and Minimum value for the axes, so that the axes are not self-adjusted by their values but allow us to observe the signals on the scale that we decide.

  • Multigraphic: This option allows the visualization of the series separately, each one on an axis.

  • Theme: Allows to change the colors, the effects of the chart display. The options are Light, Sand and Dark.

  • Legend: Allows to show/hide the legend (1) of the chart. In the dispersion chart the legend shows, in addition to the series data, elements such as the confidence area, the heatmap or the selected regressions.

There are also specific options for each graph:

6.4.1. Trend configuration

  • Navigator: Allows to show/hide the lower navigation bar (2), located below the X-axis, and allows to modify the time period represented in the chart area. The 2 black marks (3 and 4) represent the time period displayed on the graph.

  • Navigator series allows to select which of the signals configured in the chart will be used to represent it in the Navigator.

6.4.2. Grouped configuration

  • Stacking: Allows to represent the data of the chart accumulated one on top of the other. The first image has the stacking deactivated and the second one activated.

  • Grouped by: by time intervals or group by each signal options can be selected.

  • Grouped X (Level 1): Temporal grouping that will be calculated for the X-axis.

  • Grouped X (Level 2 Multilevel): When selected, a second X-axis will be created with the selected grouping to have more extensive information.

  • Show empty categories: If any displayed category has no value, it will be allowed to hide it using this button.

  • Grouped Y (Heat map): Selecting this will switch to a heat map display using the two groupings. The values represented are the same as in Multilevel mode.

  • Heat map series: In heat map mode only one series can be displayed. With this selector which one to display can be choosen.

In Multilevel mode, the heat map mode can not be activated, and vice versa.

6.4.3. Real-time configuration

The real time chart does not present any specific configuration.

6.4.4. Dispersion configuration

In the dispersion chart there are two available sections. Analysis

Here, information about the loaded data can be seen, such as the value count of each signal and the synchronized samples. The coefficient of determination between the two sets of values ​​will be displayed.

In addition, to configure from which point the chart will convert the points in the heat map, being able to show only the cloud of points or the heat map, is also possible. Regressions

From here, regressions to the dispersion chart is possible.

When adding a regression, one of the type that best fits the data in the chart will be added, based on the coefficient of determination.

The regression can be modified, changing the name, the type, or if the confidence area to be based on the edited regression.

When selecting the regression type, the determination coefficient of the type will be shown.

If “Equation” option is selected, a real equation can be typed in the field below. The format is the following.

Ex: a + b * x + c * Pow(x, 2) + d * Pow(x, 3)

If “Value table” is selected, the values for thee regression can be typed in CSV format, like in the example below.

6.5. Templates

Document templates are a tool to use the same graph configuration to represent the signals of different assets in the inventory.

There are two different ways to create a document of this kind:

  • From the top toolbar of IDboxRT, by clicking on the chart button, a small menu is displayed where “New Template” can be selected. By clicking on it, the creation wizard is opened to select the template. It should be noted that only those templates that contain at least one compatible attribute with the chart are displayed. Once the template is selected, the associated attributes to be selected and the date configurator to create a chart are displayed.

  • From the templates hierarchical tree, a template can be selected and by clicking the right mouse button, after selecting the option “New document template”, select one of the four options, according to the type of chart to be created. In this case, a modal appears with the attributes of the selected template.

Within this document, three different sections can be distinguished:

1.-On the first hand, in the left panel, in the “Templates” section, the list of templates that compose the document is displayed. Initially, the template with which the document was created is displayed as the main template. It should be noted that this main template cannot be deleted. From this panel, up to three templates can be added by clicking on the corresponding button. When it is clicked, a modal is displayed with those templates that are related to the main template. If the relationship is a descendant, it can only be added if it has a direct relationship with the main template or with the descendants that are added after it, in other words, only “children” templates can be added, each time, not “grandchildren” templates until the “children” have been added and so on. It is important to note that the main template cannot be deleted from the document. There is also the “Series” section where the attribute(s) that make up the chart are displayed. From this section, existing attributes can be added, copied, deleted, hidden/shown and configured.

2.-In the top bar, in addition to the basic and common tool buttons, there is the asset selection button . When a template is opened for the first time, one asset is automatically selected for each template for painting the chart on, and from this button they can be changed for others. Which asset has been selected in each case can be seen in the title of the document, in parenthesis.

3.-The right panel is visible only when a template is selected in the left panel (1). From this panel, the attributes of that template that are compatible with the chart can be displayed. In case the right panel is accessed from the “Series” section, when configuring an attribute, the sections displayed are the same as those already defined in the configurator section.

Template type documents can be distinguished from the rest in the explorer by displaying a special icon.

When opening a template chart document, it can be done from three different places in the explorer:

1.-If it is opened from the asset detail page. Here it is possible to visualize the documents of template type that have as main template the one that corresponds to the asset. In this case, when the document is opened, if it has more than one template, the system performs the asset preselection from the main asset from which the document was opened. In the case of a single template, the document is opened directly. In this case, the document is opened with the instance of the selected asset(s), so it does not allow saving the document.

2.-If opened from the detail page of a template. It displays all documents of template type whose main template is the selected one. By clicking on the document it can be edited directly.

3.-From the document hierarchy or the carousel. When opening the document, the user has to select the asset whose data will be painted on the chart. If there is more than one, the system performs the corresponding asset preselection. In this case, the document is opened with the instance of the selected asset(s), so it does not allow the document to be saved. In the case of editing, saving of the document is allowed.

7. Toolbar

At the top of the trend and grouped charts, a toolbar appears, within which different elements can be differentiated.

The first thing that appears is a summary of the selected period in the chart. If the series have different period intervals, the range covering the dates of all the series will be displayed.

Then, going from left to right, there is the period selector, where there is the option of setting from some predefined date periods to apply to all series. In addition, if the “Custom” option is selected, it will open the date picker in order to have a more complex configuration.

Then, if the chart is trend type, a field will be displayed to change the mark of all the series in the graph. However, if the grouped chart is the selected type, a field will be displayed to change the statistical type of all the series.

In addition, if in template mode, a button to change the selected assets will appear at the end of the toolbar.

8. Common elements

8.1. Statistics panel

At the bottom of the chart, a drop-down menu can be found which displays a panel with the statistics of the selected series in the chart’s date range. This functionality is not available in the real time chart.

8.2. Fixed tooltips

Clicking on the painted area of the chart will display a modal window to add a fixed tooltip. In this window, desired information to shows can be set, besides being able to write a title and a description.

If clicking on accept button, the fixed tooltip will be added, which can be moved around the chart, as well as close it or click on the edit button to reopen the modal window.

8.3. Timelapse

Finally, for any present synoptic of the system, the creation of a timelapse is allowed. A timelapse is a recreation of a synoptic at various points in the past in the form of a video, so that its state at a given historical moment can be visualised.

It is a functionality common to the available graph types, which can be accessed from the top toolbar, specifically, from the timelapse button.


The main calculation module that integrates the tool to execute logical evaluations and generate new signals within the system, is Business Process Management (BPM) diagrams or calculations. The tool allows, from one or multiple input signals, to process certain logic components or actions, in order to generate a new output signal that will be part of the system and on which the relevant analysis can be applied.

New diagrams can be created from the shortcuts section of the top menu.

2. Edition

One of the main features provided by the module is the ability to edit online a calculation from the Web client itself. A list of features is provided in order to be able to design with a traditional editor the calculations and to be able to subsequently execute them within an IDboxRT instance.

When a diagram is saved or updated, a message will be shown that indicates that is required to restart the service to start calculating the diagram.

For doing that, it will be required to go to the system configurator, select the service “IDboxRT.BPM”, stop it and launch it again.

2.1. Signals

From the left side menu, there is the action of adding signals to the canvas by simply dragging the icon onto the diagram’s canvas, which will then open a context menu with the list of avaiable signals in the system.

From this system menu it is possible to select one or multiple signals that will be translated into the input signals of the calculation. From this window, it is also possible to select aliases that are generated in other diagrams.

By dragging while right-clicking the diagram can be moved. Using the mouse wheel the zoom can be changed.

2.2. Diagram

This feature is found by selecting the diagram’s canvas and in the right side menu, which is the region where individual information is displayed according to the selected element. The diagram configuration allows accessing the main configuration details such as the current name of the diagram (empty if a new diagram is being edited), labels, their dependencies and the canvas configuration.

2.2.1. Tags

Listing of all the main input gates of the calculation (signals involved) as well as the outputs (resulting signals).

2.2.2. Dependencies

This section lists all those dependencies with other diagrams according to calculation aliases that allow the reuse of evaluation routines, as well as small actions or logical operations that are deduced in other external and therefore related diagrams.

2.2.3. Canvas properties

This section allows to configure the dimensions of the canvas, as well as the background color. In the upper side, there will be available buttons for fitting to the content, center the canvas and hide/show the grid.

  • Fit to content: When pressing, it adjusts the canvas dimensions based on its content.

  • Fit to canvas: When pressing, the canvas will be centered and the zoom level will be adjusted, to display all the content as tightly as possible.

  • Hide/Show grid: Allows to hide or show the grid lines of the canvas.

2.3. Signal properties

When a signal is selected on the canvas, its information is displayed: name of the selected signal, format (analog, digital or discrete), units and description.

2.4. Multiple selection

When more than one element is selected on a diagram canvas, an information panel with statistics on the number of components, links, gates and totals is displayed on the right.

In addition, it is possible to align the selection in several positions.

3. Components

List of all those elements necessary to be able to design the logical evaluations required within a calculation.

They are selected from the left side menu and clicking on the icon that will show all those elements organized by type and detailed in a list below.

The possibility of filtering items by component type is allowed from a search engine in the top header of the menu that will filter as typing. At the bottom, a small information legend is displayed that briefly describes the selected item.

To add an element on the canvas, it is only necessary to deploy the appropriate grouping, select the component, and drag it on the current canvas. Subsequently, it is possible to start joining its entry gates and enable the relevant exit gates.

There is the possibility of enlarging the size of the component on the canvas by dragging the lower right corner and enlarging it as required.

3.1. Features

Once a particular component is selected, all the main features of the element are listed from the right side menu of the editor:

  • Name

  • Type

  • Gates

  • Parameters

One of the main editing features of a component is the configuration of its gates (the entry or exit points in an execution flow).

Clicking on the “Edit gates” button opens a new window where the following are displayed:

  • Input gates: These are the entry points of the execution flow on a component. A description can be entered, a role can be chosen among the possible ones (depending on the type of component), its visibility can be changed, a link can be seen, and signals can be added or deleted.

  • Output gates: The exit point(s) in a process. It has the same features as the input gates, but an alias can also be assigned or an output signal can be associated with which to link the calculation. A signal and an alias cannot be selected simultaneously for the same gate. This signal will be the new calculated signal that configures the calculation diagram.

A rol is the type of behavior the gate exhibits (input, output or according to its type), while an alias represents an intermediate computation name that can be shared in other computations as partial evaluations of a larger computation.

From the bottom parameters section of the component configuration menu, all those affecting the selected component and varying according to its type or behavior are assigned.

3.2. Type

The following is a broad outline of the main components provided by the online editor, which are constantly evolving or available depending on the type of installation being configured.

The following list may be subject to change from time to time:

3.2.1. Senders

Group of components that only present a single gateway as the final flow in a calculation. For example, SMS, Mail, Post, etc.

3.2.2. Constants

All those components that set a constant as part of the calculation and by nature only have output gates. This type of component sets a permanent value that is triggered with a constant frequency.

3.2.3. Converters

Components that convert a group of inputs into a given output and are grouped according to temperature, time or type.

3.2.4. Functions

Component groups related to the evaluation of internal functions within a calculation that accept multiple inputs and a single output.

3.2.5. Filters

List of components that act as filters evaluating states, changing values or applying masks on states of a sample.

3.2.6. Operators

Group of main logical operators to set up a calculation and which are broken down into the following:

  • Arithmetic: multiplications, additions, subtractions, divisions, logarithms, percentages, etc.

  • Logical: Logical types such as AND, OR, NOR, NOT, NAND, etc.

  • Relational: Comparisons, greater than, less than, different, etc.

  • Trigonometric: Tangents, cosines, sines, arc tangent, hyperbolic tangent, etc.

  • Counters: State counts, values, totals, logical, pulses, etc.

  • Statistics: Statistical summaries of analog, digital, discrete, conditional types.

3.2.7. Validation

Components that check states or ranges according to a set of inputs or outputs.

3.2.8. Timers

Main components for marking an execution frequency or activating a time condition within a calculation diagram.

3.2.9. Flow

Main components of a calculation execution flow such as conditions, selective steps (switch), valves, etc.

3.2.10. Others

Groups of extra components that may vary according to the type of installation or third party implementations.

4. Gate links

For making the calculation, it is required that all needed components are linked. Gates are used for this purpose.

All entry components already have an output gate by default. Nevertheless, the other components require user action to add the gates. For that, it will be enough to move the mouse over the component, and a couple of buttons will appear. The left one for input gates and the right one for output ones. If after adding a gate the button disappears it means that the component does not allow more gates of that type.

Once the necessary gates are in place, the components can be linked by dragging with the mouse from the outgoing gate to the incoming gate.

When realizing this action, a green line while be shown, indicating that the link is compatible. Nevertheless, there are cases when the link is not compatible, with a red line indicator. In that case, the system will warn that a converter is required. If the warning message is accepted, a component will be added that converts the data to one compatible.

4.1 Simulation

From the diagram editor itself, it is possible to simulate the execution of the calculation. By means of the preview button it is possible to show the execution of the calculation in real time, being able to visualise the values taken by the gates at any point of the diagram. This facilitates the process of debugging the diagram being worked on.

5. Output gates

The results of the calculation can be stored in a signal for later analysis. To configure it, it will be necesary to open the gates configuration of the last component, and add a new output gate. In that output gate, the value to be stored, can be configured.

  • Attached signal: The data of the calculation will be stored in this signal. A signal can only be attatched to one calculation. For a signal to appear in the window it has to be configurated as a calculated signal, checking the option “Calculated” in the signal configuration.

  • Alias: Alternatively, an alias can be found, which has to be unique as well. This will be used exclusively to load the calcuation data in other diagram. When the calculation has been saved with the alias, it can be seen in the signal selection window.

6. View

To view or reproduce a calculation online, it will be necessary to select a diagram type document from the system explorer and directly open the document in view mode. Here it is possible to zoom with the mouse and move the diagram by dragging it.

It is also possible to edit a document and progressively check the changes using the preview button in the topbar menu.

To check the real time of the diagram or to debug the execution flow of the diagram, it is as simple as hovering the mouse pointer over the desired gate (circles). If information messages associated with a component (rectangle) are to be displayed, hover the mouse pointer over the corresponding component.

Both pop-up messages, those concerning gates and components, can be pinned by clicking on the pushpin in the upper right corner.

7. Calculation documentation

It can be displayed by simply clicking on the description title in the toolbar or by clicking directly on the collapsed panel at the bottom right (arrow icon). When displayed, it shows the documentation corresponding to the calculation and an embedded editor to conform the detail. The editor can be enlarged to full screen by clicking on the icon for more comfort, both viewing and editing.


1. Introduction

In a historical type document, a list of historical data of one or several signals for a previously selected time interval is displayed, as well as the resolution of the data or the comments that may be associated to a specific historical value.

A type historical document can be created from the launcher, from the top menu or from the shortcut available in the signal list grid.

1.-To create a historical document from the launcher, having signals in “My signal selection” is required. Once the desired signals are selected click on “Historicals” button.

Note: In the signals section of the explorer, by clicking on the button, that signal will be added to “My signal selection”.

2.-Clicking on the historical shortcut will open the wizard for creating a new document, in which we will have to perform the following actions:

  • Signals: One signal as minimum need to be selected and as maximum, the value configured in the configuration file will be used.

  • Dates: Allows to select the document dates configuration.

Once the initial configuration is set, the list of historical data will be displayed on the screen.

3.-From the shortcuts section, clicking on the “Historicals” button will open a new historical document with the selected signals and with a preset period of one day.

Once the historical document is created, the historical data will be displayed in the central part and the configuration related to the data to be displayed will be shown in the right panel.

2. Visualization of historical data

In the central part, a list of the historical data of the selected points and with the established configuration is displayed.

The following quick actions can be performed:

  • Edit raw sample: Enables raw data editing, clicking on the cell will allow us to enter a new value and state.

  • Tendency: Allows us to create a trend chart with the signals and date range we have set in the document.

  • Alarms: Allows to create an alarm document with the signals and date range we have set in the document.

  • Statistical: Switches the view to the statistics display.

  • Reload: Reloads the data to be displayed.

  • Permalink: Allows to generate a link to directly access the document.

*The actions “Edit raw data”, “Statistics” and “Alarms” are not available for functions.

The following fields are shown in the data table:

  • Moment: Moment in which the data has been generated.

  • Signals: As many columns are displayed as signals have been added to the document. In each of these columns, the historical data is shown together with the icon of the highest priority associated status. If the cursor is placed over the icon, a tooltip will appear indicating the aliases of the associated statuses.

3. Configuration

Through the right side panel, the configuration of the document can be modified, as well as the data to be displayed.

The configuration that can modified is the following:

  • Signals: Allows to add or remove signals to the document.

  • Mark: Allows to select the frequency for which the data will be displayed. If the resolution is greater than “Max” it will be statistical data, otherwise it will be raw data. The Auto option allows the mark to be adjusted dynamically according to the selected time period. It will be possible to write marks higher than the last displayed mark, if the written mark is hours it will be adjusted to a divisor of 24 hours. >Example: If 7 hours are entered, it will be automatically changed to 8 hours. If 10 hours are entered, it will automatically change to 12 hours.

  • In case the entered mark is higher than the maximum, new configuration parameters will appear, referring to interpolation and statistical type: * Statistical type:Allows to select the statistical type. The options will depend on the type of signal selected: * Analog signals: mean, maximum, minimum, variance, count and accumulated. * Digital signals: Count, mode, boolean values count true and values count false. * Discrete signals: Count and mode. * Interpolation: Allows to select the interpolation to be applied. It can have the following values: no interpolation, linear, step before or step after.

  • Date setting: Allows to select the time interval for which the data will be displayed. The dates can be typed in the text field or the calendar icon can be clicked to open the date selector. If the mark entered is greater than the maximum, new configuration parameters will appear, referring to interpolation and statistical type:

  • Statistical type: allows to select the statistical type. The options will depend on the type of signal selected:

  • Analog signals: mean, maximum, minimum, variance, standard deviation, count, cumulative, maximum and minimum and standard deviation with respect to the mean.

  • Digital signals: Count, mode, count of boolean values true and count of values false.

  • Discrete signals: count and mode.

  • Functions: The selection of static types is not available for functions.

  • Interpolation: Allows to select the interpolation to be applied. It can be No interpolation, Linear, Step before and Step after.


In historical type documents it is possible to create comments, in case additional information is required to be associated to a specific historical value.

To add a comment, simply select the point value in the table. The comment button will be enabled and when clicked, a pop-up window appears showing the historical value of the selected signal, the time associated with the signal in question and a text field to be filled in with the desired comment.

The panel with existing comments is displayed above the configuration panel. It is displayed when creating a comment or by clicking on any comment button available in the grid. Clicking on the button at the top of the header will display a list of all comments associated with the corresponding signal, sorted chronologically by date, from the most recent to the oldest.

Also, if you click directly on the comment button displayed next to the historical value it is associated with, you can see the right side panel. Although, in this case, it would only show the specific comments linked to that signal value.

In addition, there is a possibility to add more comments to the same value. From the add button shown in the right panel, above the existing comments list. Currently, user options do not include editing or deleting comments.

To return to the configuration panel, simply click on the button and the comments panel will close.


1. Introduction

From the alarms document, the alarms occurring in the system for one or several given signals are displayed, allowing a basic filtering of all those to be analysed to be applied.

Alarm documents can be created either from the top menu of the application or from the launcher.

1.-Clicking on the alarm button from the top meny will open the wizard to create a new alarm document, in which the signals to filter can be selected and the range of dates to display.

  • Signals: the desired signals can be seleted. In case, any signal is selected, the alarms of the whole system will be displayed. It should be noted that no signal selection is required to create a new alarm document. For this case, the alarms of the entire system are displayed. The signals from which the document is created are applied to the basic filtering, so that only alarms from these signals will be observed.

  • Dates configuration: Once the desired signals are chosen, the wizard enables the selection of desired dates for which to display the alarms associated with the signals. In this section, the date selector is displayed. If nothing is indicated, by default, the data of the last calendar day will be taken.

2.-To create an alarm document from the launcher, just click on the alarms icon and a new alarm document will be created. As shown in the wizard, it is not mandatory to select a signal to create an alarm document.

Once the document has been created, the central part of the document shows a list with the time, duration, description of the signal that generated the alarm, whether it has been acknowledged by any user and which user has acknowledged it. The alarm document is automatically refreshed to pick up any new alarms that are triggered according to the document’s signal configuration.On the right-hand side of the document, the basic filtering panel can be seen, which allows to filter the alarms to be displayed and the dates. In addition, advanced filters are offered, severity, activation, acknowledgement or duration.

2. Alarm display

By default the relevant status applies to all alarms and from this list we can make an alarm acknowledgement. The flow does not start from marking it as relevant. But there is a summary of the alarm acknowledgement and the operator can indicate textually the actions taken.

It is possible to identify the alarms from the document and select all the signals involved in the alarms to analyse the measurements over a period of time on a graph or historical data. The following fields are shown in the data table:

  • Time: Time at which the alarm occurred.

  • Severity: Severity level of the alarm.

  • Duration: Duration of the alarm, in case the alarm is still active, “Active” will be displayed.

  • Signal: Signal associated with the alarm.

  • Description: Description associated to the alarm configuration.

  • Ack: Indicates whether the alarm has been acknowledged or not.

  • Ack user: Displays the user who has acknowledged the alarm.

There are three possible actions that can be performed from the alarm display:

  • Start/Pause real time: Allows to stop or resume the real-time listing of alarms.

  • Acknowledge alarms: By selecting one or more items from the list and clicking on acknowledge alarms. When the alarm is acknowledged, the Ack field is activated as “true”, indicating that this alarm has already been attended and in the user field (Ack User) who performed the acknowledgement action.

  • Reload: Reload the data to be displayed.

3. Basic alarm filtering

In the basic alarm filtering panel, a series of filters can be established, so that only the alarms that comply with the established filters will be displayed.

The following filters are available:

  • Signals: With this first filter, only the alarms of the signals present in this selector are displayed in the central panel. *If no signal has been selected, “All signals” will be displayed.

  • Dates configuration: Allows to select the time interval for which the data will be displayed. Dates can be typed in the text field or click on the calendar to open the date selector.

  • Severity: everity level to be displayed. By default, “No filter” is selected, therefore, the alarms displayed will correspond to all severity levels.

  • Active: To display only alarms, active, deactivated or both.

  • Acknowledge: To display only alarms acknowledged, unacknowledged ones or both.

  • Duration: Allows the possibility of filtering alarms by their duration, indicating a minimum and maximum duration.


1. Introduction

Reports allow to generate customized visualizations of events or facts occurring in a given data set over a selected date range. This section shows how to create, design and visualize them through IDboxRT.

2. Creation of reports

Report creation allows to generate a document stored in IDboxRT that can later be viewed or edited.

2.1. Initial configuration

To start creating a report, there are two access methods described below.

2.1.1. Quick start

If the desired set of signals has already been previously selected in the “Signal selection” tool of the launcher, using this option is the easiest way to create a report. As shown in the following image, it is only necessary to access the selection from the top bar of the website, set the desired date range and click on the “Reports” button.

2.1.2. Customization wizard

If further customization is desired, the report creation wizard allows to enter a more specific configuration in a guided manner. To do this, access the reports section as shown in the image below. If a report is already open, it is also necessary to click on “New report”.

As shown in the following image, the report creation wizard allows to navigate through four steps, described below, to complete the configuration.

  • Report type: allows to select a custom report that has been previously implemented and loaded. The default report type is always available and includes as data sources the signal(s) and historical(s) information as well as the “start date” and “end date” parameters.

  • Signals: at this point it is possible to include the desired signals in the new report using the signal selector.

  • Report configuration: allows to select the historical mark for the document as well as the interpolation, statistics and units settings for each signal.

  • Dates: through the date selector it is possible to define the time interval on which the report will be based, either by providing a fixed range that is permanently maintained or a dynamic range that is recalculated for each opening of the report.

2.2. Report editor

Once the desired configuration has been entered in the creation wizard, the document is generated and displayed in the report editor. The editor consists of a screen embedded in the application, on which the user can work online on the report to add tables, graphs, text or any of the elements that the editor makes available to the user.

Although each designer usage may vary, the following areas are generally identified:

  • Actions: along this panel it is possible to apply different operations such as undo, redo, save, open document, preview report or display settings.

  • Components: all the components available for the report to be added are listed here and its usage described in the documentation of each editor.

  • Layout: it is divided into several sections on which components can be added later by dragging them from the list. Once added to the canvas they can be moved to create the desired layout and design.

  • Properties: each of the selected elements from the canvas has a series of properties that can be adjusted in the right panel to modify their style, behavior or nomenclature, as well as general aspects such as the creation of parameters, which are explained in the following section item.

The official Bold Reports documentation can be checked for more information regarding the report design.

3. Report display

When working with templated report documents, the Report Templates section explains in detail the cases from where these documents can be accessed.

For those documents without asset templates that have been saved can be accessed later from the IDboxRT explorer in two different ways:

  • From the document carousel: Under the list of signals used in the different documents existing in the application, the desired document can be searched for. Once located, double-click on it will open the document.

  • From the document hierarchy: Once located, it is sufficient to double-click on the document or click on the “Open” action, in the submenu that is displayed by right-clicking on the document to be opened, as shown in the following image.

After this action, the report will be displayed on the screen with the different parts shown in the image and described below.

  • Actions: allows to consult the title of the report, and make use of different operations: generate link, open document, download and export report, print report, refresh report, set as home page, access documentation, create a subscription, full screen, extract screen and close document.

  • Tools: allows to modify the date range (start and end), import an updated version of the report design or perform a search.

  • Viewer: offers a view of the rendered report according to the previously saved layout. If the document contains parameters, the viewer displays an upper panel with these parameters, if visible, and the possible associated values.

4. Parameters

Parameters are used to interactively provide user inputs at run-time to vary report view based on it.

4.1. Configuration

In the editor, they can be created or edited from the right panel of properties. Once the corresponding button is clicked, the list of parameters created in the document is displayed. To add a new one, just click on the “New parameter” button. Then the right panel changes its display with the data to be filled in for the parameter creation:

  • Name: is the parameter identifier. It can be entered by the user or, also, leave the default one. Its default value is similar to ReportParameter1. In any case, its value cannot contain spaces.

  • Alias: is the associated name that is displayed when the user previews the report. Unlike the Name, the Alias can contain spaces.

  • Data type: In this field the type of parameter to be created is selected. The supported types are:

  • String (text): the values of the parameter can only be character strings.

  • Boolean: the contemplated values of the parameter are “true” or “false”.

  • Datetime: the parameter will have date values.

  • Integer: the values for this data type will be integers.

  • Floating: the parameter will have floating point numeric values.

  • Allow blank value (""): This option is only available for string parameters. This option can be selected if the parameter value is to be set as an empty string or a blank value.

  • Allow null value: To be selected if the parameter value is required to be null.

  • Note: If valid values are specified for a parameter and a null or a blank value is desired as one of them, it must be included as one of the specific values. Choosing this option does not automatically include a null or a blank value for the available values.
  • Allow multiple values: if the value for the parameter can have multiple values, this option must be selected. Null values are not allowed.

  • Show unique values: This option does not allow the parameter values to be repeated.

  • Visibility: The visibility that the parameter can have.

  • Visible: displays the report parameter at the top while the report is being viewed. This option allows to select the parameter values at run time.

  • Not visible: if a parameter is to be hidden in the viewer and only accessible from the report editor, it can be selected between the “hidden” or “internal” options.

  • Assign values: Clicking on this option displays a pop-up window, where it is possible to set:

  • Available values: An available value can be specified for a parameter to allow the user to select only valid values in the report preview action. The available values defined for the parameter appear in the drop-down list when previewing the report.

  • Default values: A list of default values can be specified for a report parameter. If the report parameters have only one default value, the report takes this value at the start of the preview. > Both the available values and the default values, they can be previously defined by the user manually or by values obtained from a query of data that already exist in the report (dates, signal values, etc…).

For the correct creation of a parameter, at least one of these three conditions must be met: it should have a null value, it should allow a default value or, in the case of text or string parameters, it should have a blank value.

Once created, the initial panel will be completed with the existing parameters.

To the right of each parameter, hovering the mouse over it displays three vertical dots to edit or delete the parameter in question.

4.2. Use in expressions

Parameters can also be used in expressions to control report data. An example is given below, showing a table containing historical data of two signals (A01 or A02) over a time period of 6 hours, with a mark of one hour. In this case, the parameter determines the signal whose data appear on the display.

Initially, select the table that collects the historical data and add a parent group that will be grouped by the “Alias” field, so that the data will be grouped according to the signal name.

Then, a parameter of type “String” is created (viewSignal) to which the values of the signal alias are assigned. To do this, the values are assigned by means of a query to the dataset available in the report. Specifically to the existing aliases, as shown in the following image:

After saving the parameter, select the table again for configuration. To add the filter, first click the icon in the right panel.

Then, a filter is set with the condition that the alias of the signal will be equal to a value. To define this value, click on the white square shown in the following image:

In the context menu that appears, select the expression to indicate the parameter to be taken into account. The following image shows how it is associated with the value of the viewSignal parameter as previously configured.

Finally, if the report is viewed, the viewer displays the parameter panel where the viewSignal value can be changed. To display the different values, enter a valid signal alias and then click on the “View Report” button. When clicked, the report data will be updated. Therefore, if “A01”, the table with the historical data for this signal during those six hours is displayed, and if “A02”, the data for this second signal is displayed.

4.3. View

As explained above, in the Report display section, there are several ways to view a report, depending on where the document is opened from. In the case of a report with parameters, under the tool panel, there is a section with the aliases configured for each parameter, their corresponding values and the possibility of changing these values in real time.

5. Report configuration

After its creation, a saved report can be reconfigured to modify the included signals and their historical properties, as well as the date range. To do this, it is necessary to access the report display and then click on the configure button as shown in the following image.

It is important to note that if any changes have been made since the document was opened, they may be lost if not previously saved, since the configuration will apply to the saved document, not to the changes that have been made since it was accessed.

The editor will display a warning message like the one shown in the following image:

Once clicked, the report configuration tab opens. In addition to display the last saved information, it is possible to toggle between the following views through the left menu, as shown below.

  • Signals: allows to add and remove signals to the report as well as to configure their historical data properties, such as the general mark, statistical type, interpolation and units.

  • Dates: through the date selector it is possible to choose a new historical data range. Detailed information on its use can be found in the link above.

6. Report templates

In reports, template documents can be created as a tool to represent the different assets in the inventory.

A report template can be created in either of these two ways:

  • From the top toolbar of IDboxRT, by clicking on the report button, a small menu is displayed where “New Template” is selected. When clicked, the creation wizard is displayed, where the template, its attributes, the initial configuration and the dates can be chosen in the five sections that can be displayed:

  • 1.-Report type: allows to select a custom report that has been previously implemented and loaded. The default report type is always available and includes as data sources the signal(s) and historical(s) information as well as the “start date” and “end date” parameters.

    2.-Main template: at this point, it is necessary to choose the template that will be the main template of the report to be created.

    3.-Attributes: once the template to be used has been selected, the attributes to work with must be selected. It is possible to select attributes whose values are static (text, integer, date,…) or of signal type.

    4.-Report configuration: Exclusive section for signal type attributes. It allows selecting the data frequency for the document, as well as the interpolation configuration and statistical type for each signal type attribute selected in the previous section. In addition, more attributes of this type can be added, being able to choose the statistical type and interpolation of the data individually. In addition, it is possible to filter the attributes by template, statistical type or interpolation. When there are inventory signals, they can be filtered by signal type.

    5.-Dates: through the date selector it is possible to define the time interval on which the report will be based, either by providing a fixed range that is permanently maintained or a dynamic range that is recalculated for each opening of the report.

  • From the hierarchical tree of templates, a template can be selected and by clicking the right mouse button, after selecting the “New document template” option, select “Report”. In this case, the document is then created with the default configuration and period, to be directly edited.

In both cases, once the document is created, the “Templates” option is displayed in the embedded editor under the top toolbar.

Clicking on the “Templates” button displays all the templates that compose the document. The main template is displayed first and cannot be removed. A popup window is displayed from which users can add or delete templates, and the attributes of the selected template can be displayed by clicking on the button . Initially, only the main appears. When clicking to add a template, a modal is displayed with those templates that are related to the main one. If the relationship is a descendant, it can only be added if it has a direct relationship with the main one or with the descendants that are added after it, that is, only “daughter” templates can be added, each time, not “granddaughter” templates until the “daughters” have been added, and so on. If there is more than one template in the document, they can be deleted by clicking on the corresponding button after selecting the template to be deleted. It is important to note that when deleting a template that has attributes selected, if any changes have been made since the document was opened or last saved, they may be lost if not previously saved, since the configuration will apply to the saved document, not to the changes that have been made since it was accessed or last saved.

If attributes are to be added to the dataset being worked with, just click on the “Configuration” button, where more attributes can be added. In this section it is possible to search and filter attributes. As in the wizard, for signal type attributes, the statistical type and data interpolation for signal type attributes can be chosen in the next step.

Template documents can be distinguished from the rest by displaying a special icon.

When opening a report with template, it can be done from three different places in the explorer:

1.-If it is opened from the asset detail page: here it is possible to visualize the documents of template type that have as main template the one that corresponds to the asset. In this case, when the document is opened, if it has more than one template, the system performs the asset preselection from the main asset from which the document was opened. In the case of a single template, the document is opened directly. In this case, the document is opened with the instance of the selected asset(s), so it does not allow saving the document.

2.-If opened from the detail page of a template: it displays all documents of template type whose main template is the selected one. By clicking on the document it can be edited directly.

3.-From the document hierarchy or the carousel: when opening the document, the user has to select the asset whose data will be displayed on the document. If there is more than one, the system performs the corresponding asset preselection.In this case, the document is opened with the instance of the selected asset(s), so it does not allow the document to be saved. In the case of editing, saving of the document is allowed.


1. Introduction

Maps allow to display markers with signs or heat maps that are geographically positioned.

They can be created from the shortcuts section of the main top menu of the application. By default, a new map is created to work with it from scratch.

2. Editor

The map editor allows to create a customised document of this type, creating and managing layers containing markers with signs, heat maps or kmls, previously imported from files.

Once all changes are completed on the map, the map can be saved by clicking on the save button on the top toolbar.

2.1. Layer management

The layers allow organizing the markers or heat maps so that the different points of the map are grouped together. In addition, kml files can be injected into the map.

To access layer management, simply click on “Layers” in the left side menu.

In this section, the available layers in the created document are displayed. Each of the layers can be hidden or shown with the button that every layer created has on the right hand side of the list. Clicking on it hides all the elements belonging to that layer on the map and changes the icon to . If you click on the latter icon, the elements of the layer are shown again on the map.

In addition, in the top bar of the list of available layers, the following functionalities are included:

  • Add layer: Allows to add more layers. Opens a small auxiliary window in which the name of the layer and its type are set. In case of wanting to add a kml file to the map, it is necessary to select that file in the system.

  • Edit layer: Allows to rename the selected layer.

  • Delete layer: Allows to delete the selected layer. If it has elements, a warning message is displayed to confirm that all elements of the layer will be deleted with it.

  • The up and down layer buttons allow to reorder the layers within the list.

2.2 Markers and signals

The “Markers and Signals” section can be accessed by clicking on the associated button in the left panel of the editor page.

By clicking on the corresponding button, a list of all visible layers of the “Markers and Signals” type is displayed.

A new marker can be added with the “New Marker” button of the layer to which the marker is to be added. This marker will be geopositioned in the center of the map area being viewed. Once created, its geoposition can be changed and configured as desired.

In addition, new signs can be added to the map by clicking on the “New Sign” button . When clicked, the signal selector, opens so that we can select one or several signals. As many signal markers are added as signals are selected in the selector, each with a signal already geopositioned and added to the real time list. Therefore, the geopositioning of these markers is given by the geopositioning of the signal. If the marker has never been geopositioned on any map, the geoposition of the marker will be assigned when the document is saved. If a marker is dragged to another geoposition, that will be its geoposition on all maps when the document is saved again.

A marker can be selected by clicking on it once. This action centers the map on the selected marker.

If there is little distance between the markers, either because of the map scale or the zoom, an automatic grouping at one point is displayed. To display again without grouping, zoom in.

A specific marker can be deleted by selecting it and clicking on the delete button on the top menu of the list. On the other hand, if you want to modify it, just click on the edit button.

When editing a marker, a new panel is displayed on the right side:

The marker options are:

  • Geopositioned Signal: Indicates the signal that geopositions the marker on the map.

  • Geoposition: Indicates the geoposition of the marker (or signal if it has geopositioned signal).

  • Title: Marker title.

  • Description: To write annotations about this marker.

  • Link to document: It will allow the user to have links to existing documents in the marker. It will open the document selector to select the document.

  • Link with signals: Links to signals created in a marker are associated with the real time signals set in this marker. Clicking on this button opens a window in which the dates and the link to be placed can be selected. >For example, if the user puts a link to a trend chart, when the user clicks in viewer mode on that link it will take the user to the trend chart with the signals that have been set for this marker.

  • Signal with real time: Signals can be added to view their real time in the map viewer mode. In addition, these signals serve as a parameter for “Signal links”.

  • Marker preview: Here is a preview of how the marker would look in viewer mode, with its real-time signals and links.

  • Show tooltip at startup: If this check is enabled, the marker will open when the user enter the map in viewer mode.

  • Show tooltip on alarm: If it is enabled, the marker will open when one of its signals enter on alarm state in viewer mode.

  • Icon selection: The marker icon can be changed. In addition, with the add and delete buttons, custom icons, selecting them from the user’s computer or deleting them.

2.3. Heat maps

Heat maps allow to create a visual scheme to, at a glance, see which signals have more value than others. To list all visible heat maps, click on the “Heatmaps” section in the left panel.

With the add button, signals can be associated to the heatmap. This will open the signal selector to choose which signals to include in this heatmap.

Any of the signals can be deleted by selecting them and pressing the delete button .

In case of the editor, the heat map as such is not displayed, but where its points are positioned. To edit the heat map, select any of its points and press the edit . button. This action displays the right side panel for editing the heatmap.

From this panel the user can configure how the heat map will be displayed in the viewer with the following options:

  • Outer and inner: Define the colors to be used in the outermost and innermost layer of the heat map respectively. the user can press the swap button to swap these colors.

  • Low and high limits: Will indicate the limits of the signal value at which the colors will reach their minimum and maximum. the user can swap these values using the swap button .

  • Radius: It will indicate the radius of each point of the heat map. The value is in pixels.

3. viewer

When a map type document is opened or the “Preview” button on the top toolbar of the editor is clicked, the map is displayed with the settings that have been made. All visible layers of markers and signs, heatmaps or kmls, can be observed.

Markers can be interacted with to open them, close them, display previously defined information or redirect to a link by clicking on it. In addition, the values that make up the heatmaps can be displayed.

Layers can be hidden or shown as in the layer management section using the toolbar:

Finally, the user can move between elements using the “Select an element” combo. This displays all the available marker nodes and heatmaps and redirects to it once clicked on. In addition, this small drop-down menu with the available elements has a search engine, useful when the list of markers is large.

4. Display and query options

Both in the viewer and in the editor, some options can be changed to display it differently. The difference is that in the editor they will be saved together with the map. The options are the following:

  • StreetView: This option is placed in the toolbar and divides the screen to show on the right side the street view, while on the left side the map is shown. Simply drag the orange doll figure to the desired location on the map.

  • Show traffic: Located on the top toolbar, when clicked, it shows the traffic on the map. Once displayed, it can be hidden again using the same button which will have changed to “Hide traffic”.

  • Map Type: This option can be found at the bottom left. When clicked, a small menu is displayed to select the type of map to be viewed from the following options: “Street map”, “Terrain”, “Satellite”, “Satellite with labels”.

  • In addition, within the map it is possible to search for a specific site so that the center of the map is placed at that location using the “Write your query” functionality.


1. Introduction

Dashboards allow the creation of dashboards in which other documents can be grouped to be displayed at the same time, in tabular form.

They are created from the corresponding button in the main top menu. Clicking on this option redirects to a new dashboard.

2. Editor

The dashboard editor consists of a grid that allows the addition, deletion or modification of elements.

Using the save button on the top toolbar, the document can be saved once it has been configured.

2.1. Adding and deleting items

To add an element, click on the button of dashboards, located in the top left corner.

This adds an empty element to the dashboard grid. In these elements, you can assign document previews or links to other documents. How each of these elements will be displayed in the document viewer is detailed in the section of the viewer.

To add a specific document to the dashboard click on the “Document” button within the new item.

This will open the document selector to select the document we want to add.

To add a link to a document click on the “Link” button.

It will also open the document selector to select the desired document to be linked.

To remove an element from the dashboard, click on the element’s button.

2.2. Move and resize elements

An element can be clicked on and held down to drag it to another place in the grid. The place where the dashboard will be positioned when the left mouse button is released is indicated in a darker color. Also, if there are other elements in the way, they will be automatically repositioned to make room for the new element.

In addition, an element can be resized by clicking and dragging from the lower right corner of the element. As when moving elements, it will be displayed in a dark color to where it will resize the element and the resizing will automatically move the elements in its path.

2.3. Configuration options

Clicking on the configuration button on an element, a right panel will open with the options that can be modified.

The options are as follows:

  • Title: To modify the title of the element which, by default, is the title of the document to which it refers.

  • Color: The option of modifying the color of the element is available. In the case of a document viewer, the color of the header is modified. In the case of a link, the color of the entire element.

  • Show header: If this checkbox is unchecked, the header with the document title is not displayed. Note that if this is done, access to the document link is lost when in the viewer, if the element is a viewer instead of a link

  • Refresh time: To refresh the document automatically. The refresh period is indicated. This option is only available for history, alarms and graphs (not real time, since by their nature they are automatically refreshed).

In addition, quick renaming of items can be done without opening the right pane, simply by clicking on the item title in the box itself.

2.4. Types of views

Since a dashboard may prefer to be viewed in a different size or layout on a mobile device, the following views are defined:

  • Web/Tablet View: This refers to the configuration of the dashboard for viewing on the web or on a tablet with the IDboxRT mobile application.

  • Mobile View: Viewing that the dashboard will have on a smartphone that has the IDboxRT mobile application.

If the drop-down list of view types is clicked, both options are displayed.

The dashboards, both mobile and web, have the same elements. For the mobile view, the window will be smaller, emulating that of a mobile device:

3. Viewer

It consists of previewing a document with the elements and settings corresponding to the moment when such a document is opened or when the “Preview” button on the editor’s top toolbar is clicked.

The different displays of the types of elements that the dashboard can have in viewer mode are as follows:

  • Empty dashboard elements are displayed with a gap as if there were no element.

  • Elements with an associated document show a small preview of the document in the specified region.

  • Link-type documents display a button that, when clicked, opens the document to which the link refers.


There are many levels of support available, all of them dependent on the client’s knowledge of the system.

CIC provides IDboxRT training to obtain the necessary knowledge to manage the entire application and be as autonomous as possible. As such, depending on how independent the client is they might want more advanced support (Level 2 and 3) or simple bug-tracking (Level 1). In every case CIC will be available via email, phone, and a support ticketing tool (the preferred method). Once a ticket has been opened, depending on the severity of the issue and the level of support a solution will be provided.

Additionally, it is worth noting that we have strategic partners with a global presence who can provide support at levels 1 and 2. We are also available to the client to explore and establish alternative support models, according to the agreements established.



Advanced Support


  • Basic configurations

  • Support to the use and functionalities of user application

  • Support to changes in implemented components

  • Support to creation or modification in configured tags

  • Support to changes in BPM calculations

  • Development of IDboxRT documents

  • Advanced configurations

  • Installation and configuration of new connectors

  • Optimization of storage configurations

  • Integration with other systems

  • Development of advanced IDboxRT documents

  • Development of new IDboxRT components

  • Development of new IDboxRT functionalities

  • Extension of IDboxRT components

  • Architecture scaling

  • Integration of ML models

  • Integration of predictive algorithms

24x7 Support

This service is designed to provide assistance to critical environments that require attention at any time of the day, with optimal Service Level Agreement (SLA) conditions. We are committed to ensuring that you will always receive an immediate response from a qualified technician to handle your requests remotely and/or over the phone.

The purchased package consists of three main components: 24x7 second level support, 24x7 continuous monitoring using Zabbix, and continuous service improvement, which involves being proactive by reviewing the servers on a daily basis, among other actions.

Contact Information

In case you have any inquiries, need specific information, or simply wish to provide feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us via our email address, phone number +34 942 269 017 or visit any of our offices:


PCTCAN, Calle Isabel Torres 3, 39011 Santander, Cantabria, SPAIN


Orense 68 6º, 28046, Madrid, SPAIN


Bikotech Idea, Alameda Urquijo 12 4D, 48008 Bilbao, SPAIN


Calle de Melquíades Álvarez 26, 1º, 33001 Oviedo, Asturias, SPAIN

You can also find us and stay updated on all our activities through our social media channels.

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